Getting a breast lift in Tijuana can be one of the most fulfilling experiences that you’ll have. After all, you can restore your youthful look and enjoy increased confidence.

Still, any operation is going to have a few rules and guidelines when it comes to your recovery. A lot of people ask, “When can I drive after a breast augmentation?”

So keep reading to discover the answer to that question. That way you can be as prepared as possible for your new transformation.

Without further ado, let’s get started:

When Can I Start Driving After A Breast Augmentation?

In general, you should wait 24-36 hours to start driving again. Have a friend or family member drive you instead.

When Can I Drive After Breast Implants?

The answer is virtually the same for augmentation versus implants. Keep in mind that you may feel sore. Additionally, some of the medication may be in your system so it will impair your ability to operate machinery.

Choosing A Breast Augmentation Clinic

At Hospital BCN, we feel that you should choose surgeons that align with your comfort, and of course, provide optimal results. Therefore, here are some qualities to look for when choosing the center that you’re going to get your breast lift or augmentation done:

Proof Of Previous Results

You should know that your surgeons have experience performing the kind of surgery that you’re going to get. That way, you can rest assured that you’re in great hands.

VIP service, from the staff at the front desk to the surgeons themselves, everyone should treat you as you deserve to be treated. You should receive the utmost respect and compassion during this process.

Setting Expectations

Make sure that the breast augmentation clinic that you visit helps you understand how the process works from start to finish.

Setting expectations and communicating are key factors, such as explaining breast lift recovery times and answering “When can you drive after breast implants?”

Learn More About Breast Augmentations Today

If you’re looking for a breast augmentation or breast lift in Tijuana, then contact Hospital BCN. Our expert weight loss surgeons are here to help you through the entire process.

We’ll hold your hand and make sure that you understand how the process works, what to expect for recovery, and what you can and can’t do post-operation. So don’t hesitate. Reach out for a consultation today.