Breast Lift Recovery Times: What You Should Know

Breast lift surgery is one of the best gifts you can give yourself or a loved one. It enhances confidence, improves the appearance of the breasts — and ultimately helps you live life how you want.

That being said, there is a recovery period to consider after a breast lift in Tijuana. As with any surgery, there may be several weeks or months where you’re getting back to normal.

So that being said, let’s talk about “How long does a breast lift take to heal?” That way, you can properly set expectations, with minimal interruption to your normal schedule.

A Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

So, how long does it take to heal from breast lifts? Well, it goes in stages, so let’s discuss each one:

The First Two Days After Your Breast Lift

You have a follow-up appointment on the first or second day after you get your breast lift. Your doctor will want to see how your breasts are healing.

He or she will look at the color of your nipples, surrounding skin, and blood markers. Some bruising is to be expected, but there shouldn’t be any signs of infection. If there were drainage tubes attached, then your doctor will remove them during this follow up appointment.

3-5 Days After The Surgery

You may experience some discomfort in the first couple days after your surgery. Your body just went through changes so this is normal, so don’t be alarmed.

Your doctor may suggest a certain type of bra or surgical support device to help you with comfort during this time.

Two Or Three Weeks After Your Surgery

Your doctor will remove your stitches in the first couple of weeks. Then as time passes, your incisions will continue to heal and your coloring will return to normal. Other adjustments may be necessary in the future, which your doctor will inform you of.

A Month After Surgery

Your incisions should be completely healed and your surgeon will ensure that there are no noticeable issues and give you advice on reducing scarring.

Recap: How Long Does A Breast Lift Take To Heal?

As you can see, the answer to “How long does it take for a breast lift to heal?” is a little more complicated than it looks on the surface. The best course of action is to consult with a professional who can provide you with specific timelines.

Reach Out For More Information On Breast Lift Surgeries Today

At Hospital BCN, our surgeons love providing you with the look that you dream of. That’s why we take so much care to understand your needs and walk you through the recovery process step by step.

Reach out if you have any additional questions on what the results look like, how to heal quickly, and what to expect after your breast lift.