Young Woman Holding A Cup Of Coffee With A Saucer

Can You Drink Coffee After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Young Woman Holding A Cup Of Coffee With A Saucer

Gastric bypass surgery may be the answer if you have struggled with maintaining a healthy weight for years. If you have attempted to slim down through diet and exercise multiple times with no results, bariatric surgery may help you lose that stubborn fat. This procedure can help you lose many pounds and modify your nutrition habits and lifestyle in the long run.

The alterations to your digestive tract require a new diet to help speed up recovery and prolong the effect of the surgery.

Read more: Foods To Avoid After Gastric Bypass Surgery.

Coffee is a part of many people’s morning routine and a popular go-to beverage. Hence, it is reasonable to wonder if there are any restrictions on drinking coffee after gastric bypass surgery. Let’s take a deeper look at the subject.

How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Change Your Digestive System?

Gastric bypass surgery reroutes the digestive system by creating a small pouch out of your stomach and connecting it directly to the lower portion of your small intestine. A large part of the stomach is stitched shut and can’t be used anymore. This process can aid in quicker weight reduction through improved nutrient malabsorption, resulting in fewer nutrients being absorbed.

Is It Safe To Drink Coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine which is a diuretic. Here are some ways caffeine acts on the body.

  • It triggers the body to remove water resulting in dehydration.
  • It is an acidic irritant, affecting the lining of the stomach and delaying recovery.
  • After bariatric surgery, it can cause digestive problems like diarrhea, acid reflux, and ulcers.
  • It makes the absorption of nutrients difficult for the body.

What About Decaf Coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee is still acidic, like regular coffee. It has the potential to irritate the stomach and cause acid reflux. Decaf can also affect nutrient absorption. However, a bonus of decaf coffee is that it does not have the full diuretic effect. If you want coffee for flavor, decaf coffee is a better option.

What Are the Other Effects?

Some people do load up their coffee with sugar. Be cautious when adding sweeteners, syrups, and creamers to your coffee. These extras will introduce unwanted calories without any nutritional value. Also, your digestive system may not be able to process them efficiently. This can result in spikes of high blood sugar.

What Alternative Drinks Can Be Safe To Consume?

Here are some excellent alternatives you can try after the weight loss procedure. These are not only safe but also come with nutritional benefits.


Water is essential after gastric bypass surgery and should be consumed throughout the day. It helps keep your body hydrated and aids in easier digestion.

Herbal Tea:

Herbal tea is an excellent alternative. They are naturally caffeine-free and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Some contain additional nutrients as well, depending on the variety you choose.

Green Tea:

Green tea has significantly less caffeine than coffee but still provides an energy boost without the same adverse effects on the digestive tract. It contains catechins and other antioxidants that aid digestion.

Although drinking coffee may be a part of your daily routine, it can be detrimental to your recovery after gastric bypass surgery. As an alternative, you can enjoy caffeine-free drinks. This will help your body recover from the effects of the surgery and absorb nutrients more effectively.

For more information about Gastric Bypass in Mexico, contact Hospital BC. Our experts will also be happy to answer any questions about your nutrition and lifestyle after surgery. We also offer weight loss surgeries like Gastric Sleeve surgery, Mini Gastric Bypass, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

Woman Holding Her Belly Fat

Tummy Tuck or Lipo: Understanding the Differences

Woman Holding Her Belly Fat

Being overweight can be frustrating, especially when you have tried various methods to eliminate it. Whatever the reason, having too much fat, especially in the abdominal area, can make you look and feel older than your years.

Consider simple plastic surgery procedures like liposuction or tummy tuck, , where you can contour your body and get closer to the desired shape. Although these procedures involve removing excess fatty tissue from the body, they are different in terms of who they are best suited for and what type of results to expect.

For example, you may experience bruising, swelling, and pain after a liposuction procedure. Depending on the amount of fat removed, these symptoms could last for a few weeks or more. Additionally, wearing a compression garment for several weeks after liposuction is essential to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

Read more: What To Expect After Liposuction?

Let’s look at the differences between a tummy tuck and liposuction.

Tummy Tuck: Procedure and Results

A tummy tuck, called abdominoplasty, is a surgical body contour procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. This procedure is more intensive than liposuction. It also allows the surgeon to repair the abdominal muscles.


A plastic surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdomen during the surgery. This is followed by repairing and tightening the underlying abdominal muscles. The next step is removing excess fat. The excess skin is then trimmed away, and the remaining skin is sutured together.


The procedure gives a flatter, smoother stomach and strong, toned muscles with a faint scar across the hip. With diligent diet and exercise, the outcome of a tummy tuck is long-lasting.

Liposuction: Procedure and Results

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure that removes excess fat from specific body areas.


The cosmetic surgeon will make several small incisions near the area where the fat is removed. A sterile solution is infused into the area to make fat easier to remove. A small cannula is inserted through the incision to suction out excess fat and adipose tissue.


Liposuction results in a flatter stomach, although some swelling may occur in the days following the procedure.

Tummy Tuck Vs. Liposuction: Which Procedure Suits Me the Best?

Both these procedures are excellent for removing excess fat from the abdomen. However, there are specific criteria to consider before deciding which procedure is best for you.

  • Tummy Tuck: If you have loose or sagging skin in the abdominal area due to aging, pregnancy, or significant weight loss, a tummy tuck is likely to be your best option. The procedure will remove excess fat, tighten the underlying abdominal muscles, and remove any excess skin.
  • Liposuction: If you have good skin elasticity, small pockets of fat that diet and exercise cannot reduce, or areas with uneven contours, liposuction may be a good option for you. The procedure can help sculpt and contour the body, removing unwanted fat while preserving healthy tissue.

Both procedures need proper nutrition and exercise for the best results.

It is essential to consider which procedure is best suited for you based on your body type and expectations. Speak with our board-certified plastic surgeons about Liposuction in Tijuana at Hospital BC. We will give you a better idea of which procedure suits your needs.

What Is the Expected Weight Loss From Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

What Is the Expected Weight Loss From Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

What Is the Expected Weight Loss From Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Weight loss surgeries have become increasingly popular to help people struggling with obesity achieve their health goals. Every surgery has its own unique set of benefits and risks.

Gastric sleeve surgery removes a large part of the stomach to create a smaller pouch, reducing food intake and leading to weight loss. This surgery cannot be reversed, nor can it be repeated. Once the portion of the stomach is removed, it cannot be put back. Instead, you may choose a gastric revision surgery to improve the weight loss or address other complications.

Read more: Can You Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery Twice – Is It Possible?

Similarly, many questions have been asked regarding weight loss surgeries. One central question is, how much weight can you lose after a gastric sleeve surgery? Let’s find out.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

It is a surgical procedure where 80-85% of the stomach is removed. A small portion is shaped like a sleeve that runs between the esophagus and the small intestine. The stomach is stapled closed. A sealant prevents gastric fluids from leaking into the abdominal cavity.
Gastric sleeve surgery has two primary approaches:

  • Reducing stomach capacity – Stomach size is reduced to about 15%. This reduces the quantity of food intake.
  • Eliminate ghrelin – The portion of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone, ghrelin, is removed. This way, the individual feels less hungry.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • No nutritional deficiencies.
  • It is safe for severely obese individuals.
  • Laparoscopic techniques can be used as a procedure.
  • Manages type II diabetes in 80 percent of patients to the point of remission.
  • Improves or eliminates hypertension.
  • Allows for rapid weight loss after surgery.
  • It helps enhance patients’ quality of life.

How Much Weight Will I lose?

The weight you will lose depends on a few factors. They are:

  • Diet: A healthy diet is necessary for sustainable weight loss.
  • Exercise: Exercise can help to maintain a healthy body.
  • Lifestyle: An individual’s lifestyle plays a vital role in the amount of weight lost. For example, being active and moving around is more beneficial than sitting in one place for hours.
  • Size of Your Stomach: The smaller the size of your stomach after surgery, the lesser food you will be able to consume.
  • Being Obese: The amount of weight loss from a gastric sleeve surgery is higher for those who are severely obese.

How To Ensure Maximum Weight Loss After the Surgery?

The average weight loss in a person depends on their height and weight.

Weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery can be maintained with a healthy and nutritious diet. Regular exercise and an active lifestyle are essential. You should drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses per day. It is better to limit the intake of ’empty calories’ like sugars and starches.

However, if an individual return to their previous eating habits and exercise levels, weight regain may occur. Keep in mind that maintaining weight loss requires sustained effort.

Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective procedure and should not be taken lightly.

Getting professional help is essential if you consider gastric sleeve surgery as a solution for obesity. To learn more about Gastric Sleeve in Mexico, contact Hospital BC. We have experts who can help you with your weight loss journey.

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

Standards of beauty continue to shift and evolve, yet one thing has always held – curves are timelessly attractive. So, how can you get the curves to achieve round, proportional butts? A Brazilian Butt Lift could be the surgery you need. Like any surgery, the procedure comes with its risks, benefits, and factors associated with recovery time. Patients are asked to follow post-op instructions for a safe and speedy recovery.


Even though this is a popular body contouring procedure, patients still have questions about their BBL results and are anxious to get back into their favorite jeans.

Read on to learn more about BBL recovery time, and make the right clothing choices after this procedure.

What Is Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

This is a cosmetic surgery designed to achieve a more voluminous, lifted butt. This technique utilizes unwanted fat from different areas in your body and transfers it into your buttocks for an enhanced appearance. With a unique sculpting technique, fat is carefully taken from the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and lower back to create a rounder and fuller appearance to the area.

The fat is purified and carefully injected into your buttocks using a special cannula- a small tube inserted through the incision to suction out excess fat and adipose tissue. This process helps achieve the desired shape and size.

Patients can return home the same day as their procedure. Bruising and swelling can be present for up to two weeks after the treatment. They usually regain their entire movement within one week, and it may take a few months for new blood vessels to form and the fat grafts to be fully integrated.

Reasons to Wait Before Wearing Jeans After BBL

It’s best to wait for four weeks after a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) before wearing jeans. There are many reasons why you should avoid tight-fitting clothing and jeans in, particularly during the recovery period:

To Minimize Swelling

Tight clothing can increase the risk of swelling and bruise after BBL surgery. It’s essential to keep the area around your buttocks free of pressure to reduce swelling and promote faster healing.

To Avoid Displacement of Fat Cells

The goal of a Brazilian butt lift is to transfer fat from other parts of your body into the buttocks area, creating a fuller, rounder butt. But if you wear tight-fitting clothing too soon after the procedure, there’s a risk that your fat cells could be displaced and shifted out of place.

To Reduce the Risk of Infection

The potential for infection is always present after any surgery, but it can be magnified if you wear tight clothing that presses against your skin for extended periods. Too much pressure can slow the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

Tips for Wearing Jeans After BBL Surgery

If you must wear jeans after a Brazilian butt lift, here are some tips to ensure you don’t put too much pressure on your body:

  • Wear looser-fitting jeans, such as a boyfriend or relaxed style, and stay away from skinny or tight jeans.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods while wearing jeans. Take frequent breaks to stand up and move around if necessary.
  • Use unique products to alleviate post-surgery discomforts, such as butt pads, butt lifters, and compression garments.
  • Always take off your jeans before you go to sleep.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to follow your doctor’s instructions and wait four weeks after surgery before wearing jeans. Doing so will help ensure you get the best results from your Brazilian butt lift.

Achieving the desired shape can take time after a Brazilian Butt Lift, but the results are worth it. Following your doctor’s instructions for recovery and post-op care will help you get the best results possible. If you have questions or concerns about BBL In Tijuana, contact our experts at Hospital BC and check our other services.