Everything You Should Know About a Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth is a transformative journey for many women. Hormonal changes, weight gain, and stretched muscles are among the changes your body undergoes. This often leaves excess fat and sagging skin in the mid-body.

Therefore, you need a tummy tuck after pregnancy to restore your abdominal area’s body shape and tone your skin. This medical procedure removes excess tissue and fat in your body, restoring your original figure. Learn more from this post.

What to Expect From a Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy?

Mothers undergo a tummy tuck to restore their shape in the abdominal area. This procedure is also called an abdominoplasty. Although the tummy tuck procedure differs depending on the patient’s needs, it involves two incisions, one around your belly button and another on the bikini line.

The two incisions expose the extra fat and tissues in the abdominal area before removal through liposuction treatment. You should expect the following from a tummy tuck after childbirth.

  • Tightening and repair of stretched and torn abdominal muscles
  • A flatter and firmer tummy
  • Toned skin free of stretch marks

Note that a tummy tuck for post-pregnancy is ideal for mothers who have attained their ideal body weight. Therefore, ensure you lose any extra weight through exercises and a healthy diet before surgery.

When to Have a Tummy Tuck?

You need a tummy tuck after the birth of your child if:

  • You have extra skin or fat around your belly button
  • Your lower abdominal muscles are weak.
  • You want to improve your body image.

The ideal time to have a tummy tuck for post-pregnancy is after attaining a stable, healthy weight. Your child should be six months old or more before scheduling a tummy tuck surgery.

Doctors recommend this time to help you lose extra weight through exercise and dieting before surgery. This prevents further stretching of the abdominal skin after a tummy tuck, which may result from losing additional weight.

Besides, your body needs time to heal completely and reposition its tissues after childbirth before you undergo this surgery.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck and Restore Your Figure

Your baby’s arrival after pregnancy is a source of joy. But low self-esteem can ruin the moment. Consider a tummy tuck to avoid losing your attractive figure and flawless skin after childbirth.

If you want a tummy tuck in Tijuana, we’ve got you covered. Our team of doctors will help you regain your figure and restore your skin tone after birth. You can visit us at Hospital BCN in Tijuana, Mexico. Contact us for more details today.