When Can You Drive After A Breast Augmentation?

Getting a breast lift in Tijuana can be one of the most fulfilling experiences that you’ll have. After all, you can restore your youthful look and enjoy increased confidence.

Still, any operation is going to have a few rules and guidelines when it comes to your recovery. A lot of people ask, “When can I drive after a breast augmentation?”

So keep reading to discover the answer to that question. That way you can be as prepared as possible for your new transformation.

Without further ado, let’s get started:

When Can I Start Driving After A Breast Augmentation?

In general, you should wait 24-36 hours to start driving again. Have a friend or family member drive you instead.

When Can I Drive After Breast Implants?

The answer is virtually the same for augmentation versus implants. Keep in mind that you may feel sore. Additionally, some of the medication may be in your system so it will impair your ability to operate machinery.

Choosing A Breast Augmentation Clinic

At Hospital BCN, we feel that you should choose surgeons that align with your comfort, and of course, provide optimal results. Therefore, here are some qualities to look for when choosing the center that you’re going to get your breast lift or augmentation done:

Proof Of Previous Results

You should know that your surgeons have experience performing the kind of surgery that you’re going to get. That way, you can rest assured that you’re in great hands.

VIP service, from the staff at the front desk to the surgeons themselves, everyone should treat you as you deserve to be treated. You should receive the utmost respect and compassion during this process.

Setting Expectations

Make sure that the breast augmentation clinic that you visit helps you understand how the process works from start to finish.

Setting expectations and communicating are key factors, such as explaining breast lift recovery times and answering “When can you drive after breast implants?”

Learn More About Breast Augmentations Today

If you’re looking for a breast augmentation or breast lift in Tijuana, then contact Hospital BCN. Our expert weight loss surgeons are here to help you through the entire process.

We’ll hold your hand and make sure that you understand how the process works, what to expect for recovery, and what you can and can’t do post-operation. So don’t hesitate. Reach out for a consultation today.

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving a Successful Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving a Successful Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving a Successful Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Fuller butts are all the rage, which is why Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgeries have become increasingly popular. BBLs involves transferring fat to your buttocks using liposuction and injecting it into specific areas with a syringe. It’s a safe and effective way to enhance your figure while getting results that can last for many years.

After a BBL, fat cells will remain alive in the area for around three months. During this period, it’s important to follow post-operative guidelines and advice from your surgeon to ensure a successful recovery and long-lasting results.

Read more: How Long Do Fat Cells Take to Grow After BBL?

It is essential to adhere to your post-surgery care plan, including following the surgeon’s advice about wearing a compression garment and taking rest for at least two weeks. Here are some additional tips you should remember during your Brazilian butt lift surgery recovery.

What Is a BBL?

BBL is a cosmetic procedure that increases the volume and contours of your buttocks. Also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, this procedure can help you achieve the butt shape you desire. During the procedure, fat is transferred from other body areas to your buttocks through liposuction and reinjected with special instruments to create a rounder and fuller buttocks.

Tips for Recovery After a Brazilian Butt Lift

After undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), following your postoperative care instructions closely is vital for optimal healing and results. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind during recovery:

1) Avoid Sitting on the Butt

Avoid sitting directly on the butt for at least the first two weeks after your surgery. If you must sit, use a donut-shaped pillow or cushion to put pressure on your thighs instead of your buttocks. You can also recline in a recliner or lay down flat when resting.

2) Wear Compression Garments

After your procedure, wearing compression garments for at least 4-6 weeks is essential. Compression can help reduce pain and swelling and limit postoperative fluid accumulation (seroma) and tissue trauma. It is best to purchase them before the surgery to prepare you for recovery. Be sure to get a garment that is snug but not too tight.

3) Maintain Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to maintaining during BBL recovery. Following a balanced diet and avoiding smoking can help you achieve better results. Exercise should be avoided until your doctor gives the all-clear, usually after 4-6 weeks. You should start with light exercises such as walking, stretching, and yoga before gradually progressing to more challenging activities.

4) Stay Active and Rest

Your body must rest and heal, but staying active after a BBL is important. Take daily walks and try to get up and move around every few hours. This helps reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Some tips to stay active include taking short walks outside, doing light exercises with a resistance band, and practicing gentle yoga. Just make sure to avoid putting pressure on the butt while exercising.

5) Check for Massages and Compression

After the procedure, your doctor may recommend undergoing massages for a few weeks. This is to ensure proper blood flow and reduce swelling in the area. It will also help with contouring the new shape of your buttocks. Your doctor should provide specific instructions on how often and when to get these massages.

Call Hospital BC for the best BBL in Tijuana. We offer state-of-the-art procedures and the most talented surgeons in Mexico, providing an outstanding experience with natural results.

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

How Long After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Can I Wear Jeans?

Standards of beauty continue to shift and evolve, yet one thing has always held – curves are timelessly attractive. So, how can you get the curves to achieve round, proportional butts? A Brazilian Butt Lift could be the surgery you need. Like any surgery, the procedure comes with its risks, benefits, and factors associated with recovery time. Patients are asked to follow post-op instructions for a safe and speedy recovery.


Even though this is a popular body contouring procedure, patients still have questions about their BBL results and are anxious to get back into their favorite jeans.

Read on to learn more about BBL recovery time, and make the right clothing choices after this procedure.

What Is Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

This is a cosmetic surgery designed to achieve a more voluminous, lifted butt. This technique utilizes unwanted fat from different areas in your body and transfers it into your buttocks for an enhanced appearance. With a unique sculpting technique, fat is carefully taken from the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and lower back to create a rounder and fuller appearance to the area.

The fat is purified and carefully injected into your buttocks using a special cannula- a small tube inserted through the incision to suction out excess fat and adipose tissue. This process helps achieve the desired shape and size.

Patients can return home the same day as their procedure. Bruising and swelling can be present for up to two weeks after the treatment. They usually regain their entire movement within one week, and it may take a few months for new blood vessels to form and the fat grafts to be fully integrated.

Reasons to Wait Before Wearing Jeans After BBL

It’s best to wait for four weeks after a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) before wearing jeans. There are many reasons why you should avoid tight-fitting clothing and jeans in, particularly during the recovery period:

To Minimize Swelling

Tight clothing can increase the risk of swelling and bruise after BBL surgery. It’s essential to keep the area around your buttocks free of pressure to reduce swelling and promote faster healing.

To Avoid Displacement of Fat Cells

The goal of a Brazilian butt lift is to transfer fat from other parts of your body into the buttocks area, creating a fuller, rounder butt. But if you wear tight-fitting clothing too soon after the procedure, there’s a risk that your fat cells could be displaced and shifted out of place.

To Reduce the Risk of Infection

The potential for infection is always present after any surgery, but it can be magnified if you wear tight clothing that presses against your skin for extended periods. Too much pressure can slow the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

Tips for Wearing Jeans After BBL Surgery

If you must wear jeans after a Brazilian butt lift, here are some tips to ensure you don’t put too much pressure on your body:

  • Wear looser-fitting jeans, such as a boyfriend or relaxed style, and stay away from skinny or tight jeans.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods while wearing jeans. Take frequent breaks to stand up and move around if necessary.
  • Use unique products to alleviate post-surgery discomforts, such as butt pads, butt lifters, and compression garments.
  • Always take off your jeans before you go to sleep.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to follow your doctor’s instructions and wait four weeks after surgery before wearing jeans. Doing so will help ensure you get the best results from your Brazilian butt lift.

Achieving the desired shape can take time after a Brazilian Butt Lift, but the results are worth it. Following your doctor’s instructions for recovery and post-op care will help you get the best results possible. If you have questions or concerns about BBL In Tijuana, contact our experts at Hospital BC and check our other services.

When Can I Have Sex After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

When Can I Have Sex After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

When Can I Have Sex After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

Brazilian butt lift surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help give you a flatter, firmer, and shapelier behind. But like any other surgery, it’s essential to give your body time to recover before engaging in any strenuous activity—including sex.

Read more: BBL recovery time.

So, when can you resume your everyday sex life after a Brazilian butt lift? Here’s what you need to know.

Most patients can have sex within 4-6 weeks of surgery. However, waiting until you feel completely comfortable and your incisions have healed before engaging in any sexual activity is essential. If you try to have sex too soon, you may experience pain or discomfort, and you could also open up your incisions, which could lead to infection.

Additionally, it’s essential to refrain from vigorous activity—including sex—for at least the first week after your surgery. During this time, you’ll likely feel sore and tender around your incisions, and you won’t want to put unnecessary pressure on them. Instead, focus on plenty of rest and let your body heal.

As your incisions heal and the swelling decreases, you’ll likely start feeling better and more like yourself. At this point, you can start slowly introducing physical activity back into your life—but be sure to listen to the body and take things easy at first. Talk to your surgeon if you have concerns or questions about when you can resume sexual activity.

Top 6 Tips: How to Have Sex After Butt Lift Surgery

Once your surgeon gives you the green light, there are a few precautions you should take when having sex after Brazilian butt lift surgery:

  • Stick with positions that put the slightest pressure on your backside. This means avoiding anything that requires you to lie on your stomach or put all your weight on your buttocks.
  • Use plenty of pillows for support. This will reduce the pressure on your backside and prevent you from putting too much strain on your incisions.
  • Avoid anything too vigorous. Now is not the time for acrobatic sex positions or marathon sessions! Instead, stick with gentle movements and short bursts of activity until you’re fully healed.
  • Be extra careful with lubrication. Lubricant can increase friction, which could cause pain or irritation around your incisions. If possible, use a water-based lubricant rather than an oil-based one so that it won’t further irritate your skin.
  • Don’t forget about protection. Because there will likely be some scarring around your incisions, using condoms or other forms of birth control is essential to prevent infection if they break during sex.
  • Pay attention to how you feel. The important thing is to listen to the body and stop if something hurts or doesn’t feel right. Sex should never be painful if it is, something isn’t quite right yet!

Hospital BC is one of the best places to choose for a Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana. Our doctors are experienced in cosmetic surgery and will help you get the body of your dreams. We use our latest technologies and equipment and ensure complete safety and effective treatment options.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery: How Long Does It Take To Recover From a BBL?

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery: How Long Does It Take To Recover From a BBL?

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery: How Long Does It Take To Recover From a BBL?

Many women aim to emulate the shapely plump posteriors sported by the likes of Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. One way women are doing this is by getting a procedure known as the Brazilian butt lift.

The Brazilian butt lift has become a more common cosmetic procedure in recent years, but people have concerns about it. One big concern is about Brazilian butt lift recovery, or specifically, how long it takes to recover. In this article, we explain the procedure, how long it takes to recover, and what risks are associated with it.

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Explained

The Brazilian butt lift is performed by using liposuction on one area of the body and injecting the fat into the buttocks. Typically, fat for the Brazilian butt lift is sourced from the thighs or abdomen, but patients are able to decide where the fat is sourced from.
Fat grafts are common in other procedures, such as breast augmentation. But, due to the fact that the fat is injected into a large muscle that is involved in both walking and sitting, recovery is a lot longer than for fat graft breast augmentation. So how long does it actually take to recover from a BBL?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a BBL?

Recovery time for BBL depends on many factors. Complications may increase recovery time, and so will post-op aftercare. Generally, you can expect 4 to 6 weeks for full recovery. Most patients can return to work after a week, however this will depend on the nature of your work.
You might be asking “what is BBL recovery like”? Recovering from a Brazilian butt lift requires patients to avoid sitting directly on their bottoms for at least 4 weeks. Patients are asked to wear a compression garment for treated areas for at least a week.
To allow for comfortable sitting, we recommend that BBL patients use a donut pillow and to put most of their body weight on the thighs rather than directly on the glutes. Patients are also advised to sleep on their side or their stomach to avoid pressure on the glutes.

Risks of Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift has a few risks associated with it. Cosmetic risks include:

  1. Overcorrection (too much fat removed and/or reinjected) and undercorrection (too little fat removed and/or reinjected)
  2. Fat reabsorption: this happens in most cases, and is natural and harmless.
  3. Asymmetry: although asymmetry may go away with time, talk to your surgeon about symmetry concerns
  4. Lumps
  5. Bruising
  6. Swelling

Less common, but more serious, risks include:

  1. Infection and blood clots: these risks are associated with any surgical procedure
  2. Hematoma: blood pockets under the skin. These usually go away in a few weeks, but may require draining by the surgeon or nurse.
  3. Skin necrosis
  4. Fat necrosis

We believe that all patients should be educated about the risks of cosmetic procedures such as the Brazilian butt lift. Make sure the surgeon you choose for the procedure is board-certified and has a history of performing successful BBL procedures! Learn more about the BBL: Where Did the Brazilian Butt Lift Get Its Name?

Get a Brazilian Butt Lift in Tijuana & Save Thousands

Did you know you can get a top-quality brazilian butt lift in Tijuana for a fraction cost? Our board-certified plastic surgeons will give you the body you want for less cost. Contact Hospital BCN today!

How Long Does It Take Fat Cells to Grow After BBL?

How Long Do Fat Cells Take to Grow After BBL?

How Long Does It Take Fat Cells to Grow After BBL?

If you are considering a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), you may be wondering how long it will take for the fat cells to grow and give you the results you want. This is a common question, and unfortunately, there is no one definitive answer. Every patient is different, and the time it takes for the fat cells to grow will vary from person to person. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the things that can affect how long it takes for the fat cells to grow after a BBL procedure.

What Is a BBL?

A Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can be used to enhance the shape and size of your buttocks. During the procedure, we will first remove some excess fat from another part of your body using liposuction techniques before injecting it into specific areas on either side of each buttock cheek. This helps create rounder curves while adding volume and fullness to the area.

How Long Does It Take for Fat Cells to Grow After BBL?

If you are considering a Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana, you may be wondering how long does it take for fat cells to grow after BBL? The results of your procedure will not appear immediately because it takes time for the fat cells that have been transferred into your buttocks to grow. Since each patient is different and has different body types, healing times will vary from person to person.

In most cases, patients can expect their new curves within two weeks after surgery but might wait up to six months before they reach their final shape. However, some people may notice an increase in size right away while others don’t see any changes for a few months. The important thing to remember is that the final results will not be visible until the fat cells have had time to grow and mature.

What Affects Fat Cell Growth After BBL?

There are several things that can affect how long it takes for the fat cells to grow after a Brazilian butt lift procedure. One of the most important factors is your body type. If you have a lot of excess fatty tissue, it will take longer for the fat cells to grow than if you are leaner. This is because there is more available space for them to expand into.

Another factor that can affect cell growth is how much adipose tissue (fat) was removed during liposuction surgery. If a large amount of fat was removed, there will be less available space for the cells to grow. This means that the fat cells may not reach their full size or shape as quickly.

The age of the patient can also play a role in how long it takes for the fat cells to mature after surgery. Younger patients typically have faster healing times and see results sooner than those who are older. However, this does not mean that older patients cannot achieve desirable results – it just might take a bit longer.

Curious about med spa procedures? Read: What Age Should I Start Getting BOTOX?

Where Did the Brazilian Butt Lift Get Its Name?

Where Did the Brazilian Butt Lift Get Its Name?

Where Did the Brazilian Butt Lift Get Its Name?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. But why is it called a Brazilian butt lift? In this blog post, we will explore the origins of the Brazilian Butt Lift and answer some common questions about this procedure.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the removal of fat from other parts of the body, purifying the fat, and injecting it into the buttocks. This procedure can give patients a more voluptuous appearance and enhance their curves by nipping in the waist and rounding out the hips and butt.

When Was the Brazilian Butt Lift First Performed?

This is a difficult question to answer. Fat transfers have been in use for decades, and in that time, it has frequently been used to enhance the bottom. However, there is no clear record as to the exact date the first fat transfer into the buttocks was performed. However, the procedure that gave the BBL its name was performed in 1996.

Where the Brazilian Butt Lift Got Its Name

Why is it called Brazilian butt lift? There are several theories about why this procedure is called a Brazilian Butt Lift. One theory is that this procedure originated in Brazil and was named after the country where it was developed. Another theory is that the phrase “Brazilian butt” is an Americanized version of the Portuguese phrase “butta de brasileira,” which means “butt of a Brazilian woman.” It is also thought that the term was coined by American surgeons because Brazil is known for its beautiful women and their curvaceous backsides.

The reality? Dr. Leonard Grossman performed a fat transfer on television. The show was titled “Building the Brazilian Butt” since the patient was from Brazil. Over time, it became the Brazilian butt lift.

How to Know if a Brazilian Butt Lift Is Right for You?

If you are interested in learning more about the Brazilian Butt Lift, contact Hospital BC to schedule a consultation. Our team will help you determine if this procedure is right for you based on your individual goals and anatomy. We will also discuss the risks and benefits associated with the BBL so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with surgery. Contact us today to learn more about Brazilian butt lifts in Tijuana.

Not sure which procedure is right for you? Don’t worry! We offer many options for plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.