The Real Truth About Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The Real Truth About Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The Real Truth About Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Sex is an important part of life and greatly impacts your relationships and health. It has a major impact on your life, which can be either positive or negative. Certain health conditions and sex are, in most cases, dependable on each other.

As sex life can be affected by certain medical conditions and specific medical conditions, especially after surgeries can also become more receptive and even worsen due to sex life. If you have recently undergone a weight loss procedure and want to know more about sex after gastric sleeve surgery, then you will get to know more about it in this article.

Sex After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Sex after weight loss surgery is, to put it mildly, a sensitive subject. Typically, after gastric sleeve surgery, sexual life is improved. In fact, after surgery, sex is the most valued and improved element in one’s life, aside from improved appearance and a healthier body. To put it more simply, sex is better and more enjoyable after a gastric sleeve surgery.

Being obese magnifies all of your insecurities while having sex. Gaining confidence and getting compliments while losing weight all equally contribute to an improved sex life and increased pleasure, which leads to deeper and more committed relationships.

Losing weight is also proven to increase attraction among partners. After gastric sleeve surgery, libido which is commonly known as sex drive, rises in almost all patients, enhancing passion, sentiments, emotions, and desire.

Not only can a patient experience an increase in their sex drive, but gastric sleeve surgery also improve fertility among both males and females. For improved fertility and an increase in sexual desire, one should pay careful attention on contraceptive and birth control methods to avoid further complications and issues.

The only drawback is that your emotions can get out of control following a gastric sleeve surgery. Mood swings are frequent after a weight loss procedure, and they can affect certain unexpected sexual sensations. This could result in a big contrast of emotions; for instance, your sex drive may be at an all-time high sometimes, and it may be extremely low otherwise.

How Long Should You Wait Before Having Sex After a Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

If you wonder about when can you have intercourse after gastric sleeve surgery then the simple answer is: not immediately. Patients after weight loss surgeries must wait at least two weeks before engaging in any sexual activity. Sexual activity ought to be delayed for a period of time that is in accordance to the recuperation period determined by your surgeon. Every patient recovers at a different rate, so you need to be careful not to exert yourself and be aware of your body’s limitations.

For the initial weeks following the surgery, your sexual activity should be anything but vigorous or intense. If it hurts or is uncomfortable, it is better to wait for a few more weeks before you fully recover. It is also important to contact and inform your surgeon so they can check if there is any other complication responsible for the painful sexual experience.

How to Establish a Promising Relationship After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

According to research findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association, people who had weight loss surgeries are more likely to begin a relationship, get married, and divorce their spouse or significant other due to newfound confidence.

When one spouse has undergone bariatric surgery, the divorce rate for married couples increases to a startling 80–85%. The other partner or spouse experiences an inferiority complex and wants to exert control over the relationship, as their spouse feels better about themselves. In addition to divorces, there are many other issues that may arise as a result of the insecurity of the other partner.

‘’Solid partnerships typically endure change, while weak ones disintegrate or grow apart.’’ As there are many divorces occurring due to attained confidence following a gastric sleeve surgery, there is another side of the picture as well.

It is also seen that patients who were sure that their interpersonal relationships were actually robust and falling apart, dramatically boosted their chances of remaining together. For cases like these, counseling can be a huge help to your relationship in overcoming conflict or poor communication that leads to separation or divorce. It is truly natural that healthy partnerships are largely dependent on sex and closeness.

PCOS and Pregnancy After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

After weight loss surgery, PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, has been shown to significantly improve. Prior to surgery, the patients who were having trouble getting pregnant were more likely to conceive and give birth.

Therefore, if you have other plans, it is better to start planning ahead and selecting a contraceptive or birth control method. However, gastric sleeve surgery cannot be considered a cure for PCOS. Actually, it lessens the symptoms of PCOS and helps women regain ovulation, so they can become more fruitful and fertile. With the correct information and a better understanding of it, you may advance your relationship and truly cherish sex after the surgery.


As sex is an important part of life and relationships, it should not be ignored and taken for granted. Many people who experienced difficulties in maintaining a healthy sex life while being obese noticed a great positive change after their gastric sleeve surgery.

People often stress about ‘how long after gastric sleeve can I have sex?’’ because it becomes a concerning thought for them after the operation. For such cases, it is always better to have a word with your surgeon before resuming your sexual activity.

In general, it is, however, recommended to wait for at least 4-6 weeks to avoid any pains and complications prior to surgery. If you are also facing the same issues, leave everything behind and check out the best bariatric surgery mexico options near you to have a satisfying sexual life.

Also maintaining a healthy and nutritious life also plays a great role in your faster recovery. For which you contact Hospital BCN to know about Gastric Sleeve Pre Op & Post Op Diet Guidelines. These guidelines will help you in quicker healing and a better post-surgery experience.

Bariatric Surgery: What Happens If You Don't Take Vitamins After Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery: What Happens If You Don't Take Vitamins After Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery: What Happens If You Don't Take Vitamins After Surgery?

Diet and exercise did not help you lose weight, so you decided to have bariatric surgery. Great job! Bariatric surgery helped you lose significant weight and improve your health.

However, weight loss surgery is not a miracle cure. You will still need to make healthy choices and eat nutritious foods. You will also need to take vitamins and minerals to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

What Happens If You Don’t Take Vitamins After Surgery?

You may be at risk for developing vitamin deficiencies when you are not taking vitamins after gastric sleeve surgery. That’s because, post surgery, the size of your stomach decreases and your gut cannot absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat as it could before.

This could lead to some common gastric sleeve vitamin deficiency symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Depression
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Headaches

You may also experience hair loss, brittle nails, and dry skin. In severe cases, vitamin deficiencies can also lead to life-threatening health problems, such as heart failure, stroke, and cancer. Fortunately, your vitamin regimen following your bariatric surgery will help prevent these health problems.

Vitamin Recommendations for Bariatric Patients

You may think, “What vitamins should I take after gastric sleeve surgery”? Well, your bariatric surgeon or physician will likely prescribe a vitamin regimen or vitamins after Bariatric Surgery – a list of what vitamins to take post bariatric for you to follow.

The prescribed dosage will depend on:

  • The type of procedure you’ve had
  • Your current health
  • Nutritional deficiencies that need to be corrected

Gastric Bypass:

Doctors often recommend that patients take a multivitamin with iron and calcium citrate daily. Vitamin B12 shots or sublingual vitamin B12 (under the tongue) are also recommended.

Gastric Sleeve:

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency after gastric sleeve account for many postoperative visits. Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common than other deficiencies and is easily detected with serum laboratory testing. The recommended dose of vitamin B12 is 1000 mcg intramuscularly or subcutaneously monthly for life. Otherwise, a complete multivitamin, calcium with Vitamin D, and iron supplement are recommended for lifelong supplementation.

Gastric Band Surgery:

Whether you undergo a gastric sleeve in Mexico or a Gastric Band Surgery, you will need tailored vitamin supplements with iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.

Everyone is unique. You may need to take more or less than the recommendations above to meet your daily vitamin and mineral needs. Work with your physician or nutritionist to find the proper vitamin regimen. If you are not sure whether you are taking the right vitamins or experiencing any vitamin deficiency symptoms, be sure to contact Hospital BCN.

Signs and Symptoms of Gastric Sleeve Leak

A Complete Guide to Exercise After Your Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty

A Complete Guide to Exercise After Your Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty

No matter how beneficial regular exercise is for a healthy body and balanced life, it is still not safe in every case. Especially if you have undergone a major surgery like a tummy tuck, exercising can bring more harm to your body than good.

There are many important things to remember and practice before and after your surgery. As exercise after tummy tuck is essential to remain fit and keep your muscles intact, it is equally important to exercise before your surgery.

Toning your muscles a few months before your surgery is essential, as toned muscles will help fasten your recovery, making you more likely to receive your expected results. However, starting your post-tummy tuck exercise plan immediately after your surgery is not an ideal option.

Your body needs some rest after a tummy tuck, and you must slowly and gradually start exercising. Here is a complete guide to exercise after your tummy tuck-abdominoplasty for your better understanding.

Timeline to Start Exercising After Tummy Tuck

Rather than starting to exercise vigorously, it is essential to increase your exercise slowly. While resting in the initial days, you can begin improving your workout sessions after tummy tuck surgery, so your body does not feel any pressure or burden.

Following are the timespans according to which you can slowly increase your exercise, so your recovery period is not affected post-surgery:

1-2 Weeks after Tummy Tuck

The initial days are your resting period so try to rest as much as possible. For about two weeks post-surgery, you should walk lightly around the house to help your body with proper blood flow and avoid blood clots. Ask someone to help you walk around the house.

3 Weeks Post Surgery

Much of your swelling has faded at this point, and if you are still thinking about how much I should walk after a tummy tuck, then the answer is: not more than 15-20 minutes. You can opt for walking twice a day for this duration but remember not to start any exercises.

4 Weeks Post Surgery

By this time, you can start increasing your walking time, but you should always listen to your body, exercise, and work accordingly. After four weeks post-surgery, you can also begin your lower body exercises but do not engage your abdominal muscles in any activities for now.

6-8 Weeks Post Surgery

How long after a tummy tuck can you work out? Well, now is the time for you to ease back on your exercise routine. However, you still need to wait for approximately 8-12 weeks for abdominal exercises because your abdominal muscles will be 90% healed by then. However, it is still best to avoid stomach exercises. For now, you can work on lower body and cardio exercises, and can even lift light weights.

8-12 Weeks Post Surgery

By this time, your body will start acting normal, and you can initiate your abdominal exercises after consulting with your surgeon. Remember not to be too hard on yourself and rest in between whenever you feel tired and exhausted. If you feel any pain in your stomach, it is better to stop working out immediately.

Ways to Exercise After a Tummy Tuck

If you feel restrained and think about how long after a tummy tuck can I workout, then understand that you can start exercising once you have completely healed from your surgery, and your doctor approves you to exercise and activity.

The four main muscle groups that affect your stomach’s appearance are the internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, and transverses abdominis. If you want a toned and tight-looking stomach, you need to work on these four muscles.

You can start with three to four types of exercises targeting these muscles. You can do these exercises in 10 to 12 repetitions in three to four sets, as you should not do all activities in one go. Following is a list of exercises you can perfrom to target your stomach muscles.


Nothing is more traditionally effective than a crunch exercise. This form provides you with less movement and very little room for any error or complication. You can have a yoga mat of good quality for this. There are two different ways you can do crunches:

  1. Rather than doing crunches the usual way, add a twist by lifting your shoulders. This will have a good effect on your oblique muscles.
  2. You can also add variation to your crunches exercise by doing a V-crunch while sitting on a chair. You need to keep your back straight for this, lean at an angle of 45 degrees and raise your legs while contracting your abdomen. Try to keep your lower body as straightforward as possible for maximum impact.


In addition to toning your body, planks also tone your abdomen. For planks, you need to come in a push-up position while placing your hands under your shoulders and try to hold this position for a minimum of one minute.

Avoid lowering down your hips while keeping your body in a straight line. Try to hold this position from 30 seconds to five minutes while not pushing yourself too hard.

Leg Lifting

Leg lifting is another exercise that significantly enhances the look of your stomach. It would help if you lay down straight on the ground, placing your arms by your side. Slowly lift your legs a few inches above and tighten your abdominal muscles. Lower your legs slowly and repeat this exercise at least ten times.

Stability Exercising

There are also stability ball exercises that engage several muscle groups all at the same time. Just try to stay stable as you perform ab tightening exercises.

Other Exercising Methods

There are several more exercises which you can perform to strengthen and tone your abs, such as sliding pikes, knee fold tucks, side balance crunches, pilates, oblique reach, and yoga.

Other Important Things to Consider After a Tummy Tuck

Other things that are equally important than exercising are:

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights. Try not to lift weights of more than five to ten pounds for at least six weeks, as lifting heavy weights can put unnecessary pressure on your incisions.
  • Your sleeping position is crucial post-surgery. Try to sleep comfortably with pillows under your head and knees. It is best to sleep on your back, as it will minimize your pain and discomfort.
  • Consume a balanced diet. Follow a healthy and nutritious diet to fasten your recovery process. Also, eat light foods and try not to experience constipation for some time.


If you were wondering about when can I do squats after a tummy tuck or when can I start my workout, understand that your body needs proper healing and recovery before you begin exercising usually and vigorously.

Try to follow only the exercising timeline and methods mentioned above to avoid any complications and issues post-surgery, as you would not want to experience further pain after the tummy tuck procedure. There are even more methods regarding botox tijuana that you can opt for to acquire optimum results.

If you want more information on How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take? From Intake to Dismissal, you can reach out to our experts.