When Can I Have Sex After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

Brazilian butt lift surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help give you a flatter, firmer, and shapelier behind. But like any other surgery, it’s essential to give your body time to recover before engaging in any strenuous activity—including sex.

Read more: BBL recovery time.

So, when can you resume your everyday sex life after a Brazilian butt lift? Here’s what you need to know.

Most patients can have sex within 4-6 weeks of surgery. However, waiting until you feel completely comfortable and your incisions have healed before engaging in any sexual activity is essential. If you try to have sex too soon, you may experience pain or discomfort, and you could also open up your incisions, which could lead to infection.

Additionally, it’s essential to refrain from vigorous activity—including sex—for at least the first week after your surgery. During this time, you’ll likely feel sore and tender around your incisions, and you won’t want to put unnecessary pressure on them. Instead, focus on plenty of rest and let your body heal.

As your incisions heal and the swelling decreases, you’ll likely start feeling better and more like yourself. At this point, you can start slowly introducing physical activity back into your life—but be sure to listen to the body and take things easy at first. Talk to your surgeon if you have concerns or questions about when you can resume sexual activity.

Top 6 Tips: How to Have Sex After Butt Lift Surgery

Once your surgeon gives you the green light, there are a few precautions you should take when having sex after Brazilian butt lift surgery:

  • Stick with positions that put the slightest pressure on your backside. This means avoiding anything that requires you to lie on your stomach or put all your weight on your buttocks.
  • Use plenty of pillows for support. This will reduce the pressure on your backside and prevent you from putting too much strain on your incisions.
  • Avoid anything too vigorous. Now is not the time for acrobatic sex positions or marathon sessions! Instead, stick with gentle movements and short bursts of activity until you’re fully healed.
  • Be extra careful with lubrication. Lubricant can increase friction, which could cause pain or irritation around your incisions. If possible, use a water-based lubricant rather than an oil-based one so that it won’t further irritate your skin.
  • Don’t forget about protection. Because there will likely be some scarring around your incisions, using condoms or other forms of birth control is essential to prevent infection if they break during sex.
  • Pay attention to how you feel. The important thing is to listen to the body and stop if something hurts or doesn’t feel right. Sex should never be painful if it is, something isn’t quite right yet!

Hospital BC is one of the best places to choose for a Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana. Our doctors are experienced in cosmetic surgery and will help you get the body of your dreams. We use our latest technologies and equipment and ensure complete safety and effective treatment options.