Why You Have Hiccups After Your Sleeve Gastrectomy

If you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery, there are a few symptoms that you should be aware of. For instance, some people may experience hiccups after gastric sleeve surgery. Let’s discuss the nature of gastric sleeve hiccups and what you can do to keep them to a minimum.

That way, your post-operative life is as comfortable as possible during your recovery toward optimal weight loss.

Why Do Hiccups Happen After A Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Let’s answer some common questions:

  • Why do I burp so much after gastric sleeve?
  • Is burping after a gastric sleeve common?
  • Is it normal to have hiccups after sleeve surgery?

Hiccups are muscle spasms of your diaphragm. This can occur when you swallow too much food or gas at one time, such as air.

Ultimately, it’s akin to muscle contractions to relieve pressure in your stomach. Many times patients notice hiccups and burping after their surgery. Luckily, these symptoms tend to subside with time.

How To Reduce Hiccups After A Gastrectomy

Food portion control is the primary culprit and therefore the primary focus when trying to reduce your hiccup frequency. Try to eat mindfully, as hiccups and gastric sleeve are linked to food consumption. So be aware of the amount of calories you’re eating and the size of the meal.

Also try to eat when there aren’t that many distractions. That way you can focus on the food itself and avoid stuffing yourself. It’s important to be mindful because you don’t want to treat eating as a pleasure source as you may have in the past.

It should be used as a nutritional tool. And of course, this also helps you heal faster after your gastric sleeve operation.

Note Your Hiccup Episodes

It’s useful to keep a journal or some other way to document when you have hiccups. If it seems it’s becoming more frequent than normal, then you should reach out to your doctor.

Also keep a journal of the food and beverages that you consume. You may notice that hiccups increase depending on your diet.

Learn About Gastric Sleeve And Hiccups Today

If you’re considering gastric sleeve in Mexico, then Hospital BCN is your source. Our weight loss surgeons specialize in treating patients who are experiencing obesity and want to change their appearance and physical health.

We help you with the proper preparation, risk mitigation, and post-operative care. Your dreams can come true but you have to act. It’s time to start feeling and looking the way you’ve always wanted to, so contact us for a free consultation today.