How Long After Tummy Tuck Can I Take A Bath?

A tummy tuck in Tijuana is also called an abdominoplasty in the industry. It reduces the loose skin around your abdomen and tightens your muscles. It makes you look slimmer and more contoured.

You can combine this with liposuction and other surgeries to achieve the look you’re going for. Tummy tuck surgery is one of the best things you can do for contouring your body. However, you also need to be careful in your recovery.

There are certain things you can do and not do after your operation. And you’re probably wondering “How long after tummy tuck can i take a bath?” So let’s talk about some post-operative care, specifically with regards to taking a bath.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

Before getting into “when can I shower after a tummy tuck” let’s talk about what the procedure is. A tummy tuck is done with general anesthesia. Then the doctor places an incision along your lower abdomen.

It’s a minimally invasive procedure in which they remove loose skin and take out small fat pockets. Ultimately, you have a flatter, firmer stomach.

What Is Involved With Tummy Tucks?

There are certain side effects and medications and procedures that you should know about after your tummy tuck. Your doctor will consult with you to tell you what your specific condition requires.

However, in general, you should avoid strenuous physical activity. You might find it helpful to have somebody help you with daily tasks around the house or otherwise.

When Can I Take A Bath After Tummy Tuck?

So finally let’s cover “when can I shower after my tummy tuck?”One of the common questions people ask is when they can take a bath after a tummy tuck. In general, you should wait at least six weeks after your tummy tuck surgery to take a bath again.

This includes immersing yourself in other types of water. For instance, you shouldn’t go swimming in a lake, pool, or ocean for six weeks as well. Also avoid super hot water like that of a jacuzzi or hot tub.

It’s best to use lukewarm water. Your surgeon can inform you about certain soaps that are healthy to use while you’re in your recovery period. Keep your incision covered with a bandage during the period of your recovery as well.

You should also check for signs of infection like swelling or redness. Apply lotions to your skin and avoid stretching it out. Don’t wear clothes that are too restrictive over the incision.

So to answer the question specifically regarding “when can I take a bath after a tummy tuck” you should wait a few weeks at a minimum.

Ways To Speed Up The Healing Process

A better question than “when can you take a bath after tummy tuck” is how to speed up the process. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to make your healing process go faster. Lean proteins and whole grains are another way that will help your recovery process.

Using a multivitamin pill like vitamin C is also helpful. Try to avoid salty food or processed foods. These may not be as appropriate for your skin during your recovery.

When Can You Shower After Tummy Tuck — Summary

Reach out to the doctors at Hospital BC today. Our dedicated weight loss surgeons will help you understand your options with regards to looking your best.

In addition, they’ll provide optimal recovery techniques so that you can get back to feeling normal as soon as possible. Even though you’ll wait a few weeks until the first shower after a tummy tuck, the process is well worth the results.