All You Need to Know About Weight Gain After a Tummy Tuck

All You Need to Know About Weight Gain After a Tummy Tuck

All You Need to Know About Weight Gain After a Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy and childbirth exert pressure on your body muscles, leading to stretched skin and fat accumulation in your abdominal area. This can affect your self-esteem, especially if you are a new mom. Thanks to tummy tuck, you can restore your figure and skin texture.

A significant concern among women is how to control weight gain after a tummy tuck. Maintaining your weight after surgery is challenging. You may add a few pounds due to lifestyle, diet, and daily schedule. This post highlights all you need to know about weight gain after a tummy tuck and how to manage it. Read on and learn more.

Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck: What Are the Causes?

I had a tummy tuck and gained weight! Many women have raised this concern after enjoying the stunning results of surgery, but only for a short while. Understanding the causes of weight gain after tummy tuck surgery is important. In addition to helping you monitor your weight, it helps maintain your skin tone.

Weight gain after a tummy tuck can result from the following.

  • Feeding on foods rich in calories and minimal exercise is a recipe for weight gain. You should, therefore, watch your diet and exercise more often.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Your body secretes different hormones, and an imbalance in them can lead to weight gain. Your doctor can advise you if you have this problem, especially after childbirth.
  • Water retention after surgery. As your body recovers from tummy tuck surgery, it tends to retain water and other fluids, leading to weight gain. You should stay active to get rid of this water.
  • When you are stressed, sleeplessness sets in, causing you to eat more. It also causes anxiety and hormonal imbalance, resulting in additional weight gain.

If you control the above causes, your body will not experience major weight fluctuations after surgery.

How To Control Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck

Getting fat after a tummy tuck can affect your health and self-confidence. The following can help you maintain your ideal weight after a tummy tuck.

  • Eat healthy. A healthy meal should have plenty of vegetables and fruits, with enough calories.
  • Have a tummy tuck surgery when you are through with childbearing because pregnancy leads to weight gain.
  • Exercise frequently to help your body burn calories. This will preserve your tummy tuck weight and prevent fat buildup in the abdominal area.

Get Started With a Tummy Tuck in Tijuana, Mexico

Maintaining tummy tuck weight is crucial for your health. If you want a tummy tuck in Tijuana, visit Hospital BCN for quality services by experts.

5 Things To Do Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

5 Things To Do Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

5 Things To Do Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

Are you gearing up for a tummy tuck procedure? Your journey toward a transformed silhouette begins well before the surgery day. Proper preparation ensures a smoother process and enhances your chances of achieving the desired results. In this guide, we’ll explore five essential steps on how to prepare for a tummy tuck.

How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck

1. Surgeon Selection

The foundation of a successful tummy tuck lies in choosing the right surgeon. Qualifications, experience, and patient testimonials should be your focus. Delve into your surgeon’s educational background and training. Dive into before-and-after photos to gauge their expertise. Remember, your choice of surgeon can make all the difference in the outcome.

2. Choose Your Tummy Tuck Type

Before anything else, you must understand that tummy tuck in Tijuana comes in different varieties. The options include the full tummy tuck, which addresses all abdominal aspects, the mini tummy tuck, which focuses on the lower abdomen, and the extended tummy tuck for a more extensive skin tightening.

Additionally, you can opt for muscle plication, liposuction, or hernia repair to customize your procedure further. It’s essential to consult with your surgeon to determine the most suitable approach for your goals.

3. Get To a Healthy Weight

A tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss miracle; it’s a contouring procedure. Ensure you’re at or near your ideal weight before surgery. Sustaining this weight for at least six months before the procedure is vital. Weight fluctuations afterward can affect your results. If family planning is on your horizon, consider postponing your tummy tuck until after completing your family.

4. Prepare your Support

Tummy tuck recovery demands time and support. Prepare in advance by arranging assistance from friends or family during your recovery. Stock your home with nourishing foods to aid healing and create a comfortable resting space.

5. Set Realistic Expectations

Dreaming of a sculpted abdomen is natural, but setting realistic expectations is equally important. Consult with your surgeon to understand what’s achievable and what isn’t. Your tummy tuck doctor should evaluate your unique case and discuss potential outcomes and limitations. Clarity here can prevent post-surgery disappointment.

Now You Know What to Do Before a Tummy Tuck: Your Path to a Confident New You

A tummy tuck in Tijuana can be a life-changing procedure but demands careful consideration and preparation. Are you ready to transform your waistline and boost your self-assurance? It all starts with knowing what to do before a tummy tuck. Take the first step toward your dream tummy today at Hospital BC!

How Long After Tummy Tuck Can I Take A Bath?

How Long After Tummy Tuck Can I Take A Bath?

How Long After Tummy Tuck Can I Take A Bath?

A tummy tuck in Tijuana is also called an abdominoplasty in the industry. It reduces the loose skin around your abdomen and tightens your muscles. It makes you look slimmer and more contoured.

You can combine this with liposuction and other surgeries to achieve the look you’re going for. Tummy tuck surgery is one of the best things you can do for contouring your body. However, you also need to be careful in your recovery.

There are certain things you can do and not do after your operation. And you’re probably wondering “How long after tummy tuck can i take a bath?” So let’s talk about some post-operative care, specifically with regards to taking a bath.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

Before getting into “when can I shower after a tummy tuck” let’s talk about what the procedure is. A tummy tuck is done with general anesthesia. Then the doctor places an incision along your lower abdomen.

It’s a minimally invasive procedure in which they remove loose skin and take out small fat pockets. Ultimately, you have a flatter, firmer stomach.

What Is Involved With Tummy Tucks?

There are certain side effects and medications and procedures that you should know about after your tummy tuck. Your doctor will consult with you to tell you what your specific condition requires.

However, in general, you should avoid strenuous physical activity. You might find it helpful to have somebody help you with daily tasks around the house or otherwise.

When Can I Take A Bath After Tummy Tuck?

So finally let’s cover “when can I shower after my tummy tuck?”One of the common questions people ask is when they can take a bath after a tummy tuck. In general, you should wait at least six weeks after your tummy tuck surgery to take a bath again.

This includes immersing yourself in other types of water. For instance, you shouldn’t go swimming in a lake, pool, or ocean for six weeks as well. Also avoid super hot water like that of a jacuzzi or hot tub.

It’s best to use lukewarm water. Your surgeon can inform you about certain soaps that are healthy to use while you’re in your recovery period. Keep your incision covered with a bandage during the period of your recovery as well.

You should also check for signs of infection like swelling or redness. Apply lotions to your skin and avoid stretching it out. Don’t wear clothes that are too restrictive over the incision.

So to answer the question specifically regarding “when can I take a bath after a tummy tuck” you should wait a few weeks at a minimum.

Ways To Speed Up The Healing Process

A better question than “when can you take a bath after tummy tuck” is how to speed up the process. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to make your healing process go faster. Lean proteins and whole grains are another way that will help your recovery process.

Using a multivitamin pill like vitamin C is also helpful. Try to avoid salty food or processed foods. These may not be as appropriate for your skin during your recovery.

When Can You Shower After Tummy Tuck — Summary

Reach out to the doctors at Hospital BC today. Our dedicated weight loss surgeons will help you understand your options with regards to looking your best.

In addition, they’ll provide optimal recovery techniques so that you can get back to feeling normal as soon as possible. Even though you’ll wait a few weeks until the first shower after a tummy tuck, the process is well worth the results.

Everything You Need to Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery and Its Recovery Process

Everything You Need to Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery and Its Recovery Process

Everything You Need to Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery and Its Recovery Process

A tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to improve your abdomen’s contour. It can remove excess skin, repair abdominal muscles and reduce fat deposits in the stomach. While undergoing this major surgery requires some preparation and a period of recovery, many people who have had tummy tuck surgery are very pleased with their results.

A professional in plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, will be best to seek advice from if you are considering the procedure.

We will explain how long it takes to get better after tummy tuck surgery, what you can count on throughout recovery, and how to maximize your results.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin around the abdomen. It can also help to restore weakened or separated muscles in the abdominal wall. The tummy tuck aims to create a smoother, firmer, and more aesthetically pleasing abdominal shape.

Recovery Process

Once the surgical procedure is complete, you may additionally sense some aches. It’s necessary to take it easy for the first few days of healing and have anybody assist you with day-by-day duties as needed. Pain medicines are generally prescribed after surgical procedures to assist in controlling any discomfort.

It’s better to avoid standing or sitting up too long, considering this can cause swelling or discomfort.

One Day After Surgery

After a tummy tuck procedure, people can count on spending one day in the clinic recovering. During this time, the operated person will be monitored intently and given medicinal drugs to manipulate pain or discomfort.

Patients should plan on taking it easy while in the hospital and not engaging in strenuous activities.

The day after the surgery, patients can start bathing in lukewarm water and showering with gentle soap, taking care to keep their incisions dry. The doctor will provide specific instructions on how to care for the incision sites properly at this point.

Depending on the type of tummy tuck performed, patients may need to wear a supportive garment that helps reduce swelling and encourages healing. The doctor will guide how long this should be worn, and following these instructions is essential.

One Week After the Tummy Tuck

One week after a tummy tuck, most post-surgery swelling should have gone down, and you can begin to return to light activities. You may still feel discomfort or tightness in your abdomen, but any pain should be manageable with over-the-counter medications. Typically, scarring is minimal at this point, and you can begin to wear loose clothing.

Your medical professional will provide you with precise directions involving your recovery. However, it is vital to understand that anyone is unique and might also heal at exclusive rates. It’s also essential to comply with your doctor’s recommendation and no longer over-exert yourself throughout recovery. It can take up to six weeks for the full recuperation procedure to be completed.

Six Weeks After Surgery

Most swelling and pain must have subsided six weeks after the surgery. This is a top-notch time to begin doing minimal-impact workouts as directed by using your plastic surgeon to assist with healing. You must additionally begin sporting compression clothes that will give the best resource in contouring your physique shape.

You may additionally have swelling, bruising, or even numbness in your stomach as your physique matures. Put on a supportive garment supplied with the aid of your healthcare professional and take it effortlessly while recovering. This will ensure that you get the satisfactory consequences possible.

It’s also essential to take care of your incision site. After a tummy tuck, you will likely have drains to prevent fluid build-up and encourage healing; follow your doctor’s instructions regarding how often to empty your drain and when it can be safely removed.

Call Hospital BCN for the best tummy tuck in Tijuana. We offer a different level of care that produces amazing results. Our team of highly qualified surgeons provides excellent care and has years of experience providing the best tummy tuck possible.

Woman Holding Her Belly Fat

Tummy Tuck or Lipo: Understanding the Differences

Woman Holding Her Belly Fat

Being overweight can be frustrating, especially when you have tried various methods to eliminate it. Whatever the reason, having too much fat, especially in the abdominal area, can make you look and feel older than your years.

Consider simple plastic surgery procedures like liposuction or tummy tuck, , where you can contour your body and get closer to the desired shape. Although these procedures involve removing excess fatty tissue from the body, they are different in terms of who they are best suited for and what type of results to expect.

For example, you may experience bruising, swelling, and pain after a liposuction procedure. Depending on the amount of fat removed, these symptoms could last for a few weeks or more. Additionally, wearing a compression garment for several weeks after liposuction is essential to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

Read more: What To Expect After Liposuction?

Let’s look at the differences between a tummy tuck and liposuction.

Tummy Tuck: Procedure and Results

A tummy tuck, called abdominoplasty, is a surgical body contour procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. This procedure is more intensive than liposuction. It also allows the surgeon to repair the abdominal muscles.


A plastic surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdomen during the surgery. This is followed by repairing and tightening the underlying abdominal muscles. The next step is removing excess fat. The excess skin is then trimmed away, and the remaining skin is sutured together.


The procedure gives a flatter, smoother stomach and strong, toned muscles with a faint scar across the hip. With diligent diet and exercise, the outcome of a tummy tuck is long-lasting.

Liposuction: Procedure and Results

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure that removes excess fat from specific body areas.


The cosmetic surgeon will make several small incisions near the area where the fat is removed. A sterile solution is infused into the area to make fat easier to remove. A small cannula is inserted through the incision to suction out excess fat and adipose tissue.


Liposuction results in a flatter stomach, although some swelling may occur in the days following the procedure.

Tummy Tuck Vs. Liposuction: Which Procedure Suits Me the Best?

Both these procedures are excellent for removing excess fat from the abdomen. However, there are specific criteria to consider before deciding which procedure is best for you.

  • Tummy Tuck: If you have loose or sagging skin in the abdominal area due to aging, pregnancy, or significant weight loss, a tummy tuck is likely to be your best option. The procedure will remove excess fat, tighten the underlying abdominal muscles, and remove any excess skin.
  • Liposuction: If you have good skin elasticity, small pockets of fat that diet and exercise cannot reduce, or areas with uneven contours, liposuction may be a good option for you. The procedure can help sculpt and contour the body, removing unwanted fat while preserving healthy tissue.

Both procedures need proper nutrition and exercise for the best results.

It is essential to consider which procedure is best suited for you based on your body type and expectations. Speak with our board-certified plastic surgeons about Liposuction in Tijuana at Hospital BC. We will give you a better idea of which procedure suits your needs.

How To Get Rid of Seroma After Tummy Tuck?

How To Get Rid of Seroma After Tummy Tuck?

How To Get Rid of Seroma After Tummy Tuck?

One of the popular weight loss solutions is getting a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. This option involves removing excess fat and skin, tightening the abdominal muscles, and repositioning the navel to create a more appealing figure.

Read more: How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Procedure Take From Intake to Dismissal?

However, one of the possible post-operative complications is seroma formation. Seromas are fluid pockets that collect beneath the skin after tummy tuck surgery. They can cause discomfort and swelling in the area. Read on to understand how to eliminate a seroma after a tummy tuck.

How Is Seroma Formed and How Can It Be Avoided?

Seroma is a collection of fluids in the area where the tissue was removed during a tummy tuck procedure. Seroma can be caused by several factors, including:

1) Excessive handling of the tissue during the procedure

2) Poor drainage from the surgical site

3) High tension placed on the skin flap after a tummy tuck

4) Too much pressure applied to the area

Some signs of seroma are:

a) Swelling

b) Skin discoloration

c) Hardened area in the surgical site

d) Fluid drainage from the incision

To avoid seroma, following your doctor’s post-operative instructions is essential.

Here are some ways to treat seroma.

1) Pressure Garment

A pressure garment is made of an elastic material that applies pressure and helps reduce swelling. This garment should fit snugly around the surgical site, which will help to shrink the seroma.

2) Sterile Dressings

Your doctor may recommend you change your sterile dressings regularly to ensure proper healing and to prevent infection.

3) Massage Therapy

Massaging the area gently can help to reduce the swelling. This should be done in a circular motion with light pressure.

4) Drainage Tube

Your doctor may insert a drainage tube to remove excess fluids or blood from the seroma. The tube will then be removed, and the healing process can continue.

5) Steroid Injections

Steroids are injected directly into the seroma to help reduce swelling and promote healing. This should only be done as a last resort, as these injections may cause side effects.

Tips To Prevent Seroma

Seroma occurs when the body accumulates fluids in the area where the tissue was removed. Here are some tips to prevent seroma:

1) Quilting

Quilting is stitching the skin together to provide support and reduce tension in the area. This can help prevent seromas from occurring.

2) Avoid Excess Movement

Excessive movement can cause the tissue in that area to become damaged or dislodged, leading to seroma formation. Keeping the surgical site as still as possible is essential to prevent this.

3) Keep the Area Clean

Keeping the surgical site clean is essential to prevent infection, which can lead to seroma formation. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after cleaning the area.

4) Monitor Your Diet

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fluids reduces swelling and promotes healing. Foods like salmon, nuts, and leafy green vegetables provide essential nutrients needed for healing.

Contact Hospital BC for the best tummy tuck procedure in Tijuana. We provide the most innovative and safest tummy tuck procedures with our highly experienced and certified plastic surgeons.

Types of Tummy Tucks: What Are the Differences?

Types of Tummy Tucks: What Are the Differences?

Types of Tummy Tucks: What Are the Differences?

Plastic surgery is popular among individuals looking to contour their abdomen and achieve a toned, smooth silhouette. One of the top plastic surgeries in Tijuana, Mexico, is the tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. This procedure removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen to create a more aesthetically pleasing shape. As with any surgery, different tummy tucks can be used depending on your needs and body type.

A tummy tuck is one of the popular surgical procedures in the United States for achieving a more sculpted midsection. The procedure eliminates excess fat and skin and stretches abdominal muscles caused by pregnancy or weight fluctuations.

How Is a Tummy Tuck Performed?

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen to create a smoother, more toned appearance. It can also help tighten the abdominal wall muscles for a slimmer silhouette. Depending on your individual needs, there are four main types of tummy tuck procedures.

1. Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck is the most extensive abdominal surgery and involves a horizontal incision along your bikini line. This procedure removes excess fat, tightens the abdominal muscles, and eliminates loose skin from the lower abdomen area. This procedure is ideal for those who have experienced dramatic weight loss and need to remold their abdomen.

2. Extended Tummy Tuck

Similar to a complete tummy tuck procedure, the extended tummy tuck adds a second incision along the waistline to incorporate the hip area. This procedure is ideal for those who target excess skin and fatty tissue in the entire abdominal area and reshape their body contours.

3. Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is a less-invasive procedure focusing only on skin and fat below the belly button. This type of procedure is ideal for those looking to correct moderate to mild stretch marks or sagging skin below the navel area. During a mini tummy tuck, your surgeon will remove excess fat and skin while tightening the abdominal muscles to create a more contoured stomach. After surgery, you may experience minimal scarring and better abdominal tone and shape.

4. Reverse Tummy Tuck

A reverse tummy tuck is designed to correct stretched or sagging skin on the upper abdomen. This surgery is ideal for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and are seeking to tighten the abdominal area. During a reverse tummy tuck, your surgeon will make an incision at the top of your abdomen and pull the skin downwards to tighten it. This procedure can also be combined with liposuction for optimal results.

Tips To Recover Faster After a Tummy Tuck Procedure

A tummy tuck procedure is a major surgery that can help you achieve a flatter, smoother abdominal area. Here are tips to help you recover faster after this procedure:

  1. Follow postoperative instructions given by your surgeon. These instructions may include taking rest and avoiding certain activities that may put a strain on the incision area.
  2. Take medications prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Wear compression garments as your surgeon recommends to help support the abdominal area.
  4. Keep your incision site clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection.

Call Hospital BC for the best tummy tuck procedure in Tijuana. Our experienced surgeons are highly skilled and knowledgeable in tummy tuck procedures.

Standard Tummy Tuck VS Extended Tummy Tuck

Standard Tummy Tuck VS Extended Tummy Tuck

Standard Tummy Tuck VS Extended Tummy Tuck

Everyone dreams of having a tight and toned tummy, but sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough. Excess fat and sagging skin around the abdominal area can be frustrating, especially if you’ve already tried everything to eliminate it.

That’s where a tummy tuck comes in. A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can help you achieve the flat stomach you’ve wanted. Tummy tuck is the sixth common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States.

There are two types of tummy tucks – standard and extended.

Read on to understand the differences between the two.

What Is Standard Tummy Tuck?

A standard tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the stomach area. It also tightens the abdominal muscles to create a flatter, more toned appearance. Standard tummy tucks are ideal for patients with excess skin and fat around their midsection and who want to improve their stomach’s overall shape and contour.

What Is Extended Tummy Tuck?

An extended tummy tuck is another variation of the standard tummy tuck. It involves incision around the hip bone instead of just above the pubic area. It allows the surgeon to remove excess skin and fat from the sides and back of the waist and the stomach area.

The procedure is ideal for people with a lot of loose skin and fat around their waistline and stomach. It is also suitable for people who have undergone massive weight loss through diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery.

Read more: How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Procedure Take From Intake to Dismissal

Common Factors of Differentiation Between Standard Tummy Tuck Or Extended Tummy Tuck

The Amount of Scarring That Will Be Left Behind

In the case of a standard tummy tuck, the incision is usually made along the bikini line. It means the scar will be hidden when wearing swimsuits or underwear. On the other hand, an extended tummy tuck will leave a scar that goes around the navel.

2. The Cost of the Surgery

The common reasons for the difference in the costs of the surgeries include:

  • The length of the incision
  • The amount of skin to be removed
  • The need for liposuction

3. Recovery Time After Surgery

The recovery period after a standard tummy tuck is usually shorter than that of an extended tummy tuck. You can expect to take approximately two weeks before you feel comfortable resuming most of your normal activities. It may take up to six weeks before you feel fully recovered.

After an extended tummy tuck, you can expect a longer recovery period of approximately four to six weeks.

4. Risks Associated With the Surgery

Any weight loss surgery comes with the risk of infection, bleeding, and reaction to anesthesia. You may also experience numbness, pain, and scarring.

With standard and extended tummy tucks, the risks are the same. The only difference is that you have a longer incision with an extended tummy tuck.

It means there is a higher risk of infection and bleeding with an extended tummy tuck. You may also experience more pain and scarring. The best way to reduce your risk of complications is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience performing tummy tucks.

Hospital BC is the best place for a tummy tuck in Tijuana. We offer both standard and extended tummy tucks. We will help you choose the best option for your needs and goals.

Reference: The cosmetic surgery with the most complications – CBS News

Signs and Symptoms of Gastric Sleeve Leak

A Complete Guide to Exercise After Your Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty

A Complete Guide to Exercise After Your Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty

No matter how beneficial regular exercise is for a healthy body and balanced life, it is still not safe in every case. Especially if you have undergone a major surgery like a tummy tuck, exercising can bring more harm to your body than good.

There are many important things to remember and practice before and after your surgery. As exercise after tummy tuck is essential to remain fit and keep your muscles intact, it is equally important to exercise before your surgery.

Toning your muscles a few months before your surgery is essential, as toned muscles will help fasten your recovery, making you more likely to receive your expected results. However, starting your post-tummy tuck exercise plan immediately after your surgery is not an ideal option.

Your body needs some rest after a tummy tuck, and you must slowly and gradually start exercising. Here is a complete guide to exercise after your tummy tuck-abdominoplasty for your better understanding.

Timeline to Start Exercising After Tummy Tuck

Rather than starting to exercise vigorously, it is essential to increase your exercise slowly. While resting in the initial days, you can begin improving your workout sessions after tummy tuck surgery, so your body does not feel any pressure or burden.

Following are the timespans according to which you can slowly increase your exercise, so your recovery period is not affected post-surgery:

1-2 Weeks after Tummy Tuck

The initial days are your resting period so try to rest as much as possible. For about two weeks post-surgery, you should walk lightly around the house to help your body with proper blood flow and avoid blood clots. Ask someone to help you walk around the house.

3 Weeks Post Surgery

Much of your swelling has faded at this point, and if you are still thinking about how much I should walk after a tummy tuck, then the answer is: not more than 15-20 minutes. You can opt for walking twice a day for this duration but remember not to start any exercises.

4 Weeks Post Surgery

By this time, you can start increasing your walking time, but you should always listen to your body, exercise, and work accordingly. After four weeks post-surgery, you can also begin your lower body exercises but do not engage your abdominal muscles in any activities for now.

6-8 Weeks Post Surgery

How long after a tummy tuck can you work out? Well, now is the time for you to ease back on your exercise routine. However, you still need to wait for approximately 8-12 weeks for abdominal exercises because your abdominal muscles will be 90% healed by then. However, it is still best to avoid stomach exercises. For now, you can work on lower body and cardio exercises, and can even lift light weights.

8-12 Weeks Post Surgery

By this time, your body will start acting normal, and you can initiate your abdominal exercises after consulting with your surgeon. Remember not to be too hard on yourself and rest in between whenever you feel tired and exhausted. If you feel any pain in your stomach, it is better to stop working out immediately.

Ways to Exercise After a Tummy Tuck

If you feel restrained and think about how long after a tummy tuck can I workout, then understand that you can start exercising once you have completely healed from your surgery, and your doctor approves you to exercise and activity.

The four main muscle groups that affect your stomach’s appearance are the internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, and transverses abdominis. If you want a toned and tight-looking stomach, you need to work on these four muscles.

You can start with three to four types of exercises targeting these muscles. You can do these exercises in 10 to 12 repetitions in three to four sets, as you should not do all activities in one go. Following is a list of exercises you can perfrom to target your stomach muscles.


Nothing is more traditionally effective than a crunch exercise. This form provides you with less movement and very little room for any error or complication. You can have a yoga mat of good quality for this. There are two different ways you can do crunches:

  1. Rather than doing crunches the usual way, add a twist by lifting your shoulders. This will have a good effect on your oblique muscles.
  2. You can also add variation to your crunches exercise by doing a V-crunch while sitting on a chair. You need to keep your back straight for this, lean at an angle of 45 degrees and raise your legs while contracting your abdomen. Try to keep your lower body as straightforward as possible for maximum impact.


In addition to toning your body, planks also tone your abdomen. For planks, you need to come in a push-up position while placing your hands under your shoulders and try to hold this position for a minimum of one minute.

Avoid lowering down your hips while keeping your body in a straight line. Try to hold this position from 30 seconds to five minutes while not pushing yourself too hard.

Leg Lifting

Leg lifting is another exercise that significantly enhances the look of your stomach. It would help if you lay down straight on the ground, placing your arms by your side. Slowly lift your legs a few inches above and tighten your abdominal muscles. Lower your legs slowly and repeat this exercise at least ten times.

Stability Exercising

There are also stability ball exercises that engage several muscle groups all at the same time. Just try to stay stable as you perform ab tightening exercises.

Other Exercising Methods

There are several more exercises which you can perform to strengthen and tone your abs, such as sliding pikes, knee fold tucks, side balance crunches, pilates, oblique reach, and yoga.

Other Important Things to Consider After a Tummy Tuck

Other things that are equally important than exercising are:

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights. Try not to lift weights of more than five to ten pounds for at least six weeks, as lifting heavy weights can put unnecessary pressure on your incisions.
  • Your sleeping position is crucial post-surgery. Try to sleep comfortably with pillows under your head and knees. It is best to sleep on your back, as it will minimize your pain and discomfort.
  • Consume a balanced diet. Follow a healthy and nutritious diet to fasten your recovery process. Also, eat light foods and try not to experience constipation for some time.


If you were wondering about when can I do squats after a tummy tuck or when can I start my workout, understand that your body needs proper healing and recovery before you begin exercising usually and vigorously.

Try to follow only the exercising timeline and methods mentioned above to avoid any complications and issues post-surgery, as you would not want to experience further pain after the tummy tuck procedure. There are even more methods regarding botox tijuana that you can opt for to acquire optimum results.

If you want more information on How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take? From Intake to Dismissal, you can reach out to our experts.

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take? From Intake to Dismissal

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Procedure Take From Intake to Dismissal

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take? From Intake to Dismissal

When it comes to getting a tummy tuck, many people want to know how long the entire process will take. From the time you arrive at the surgery center until you are dismissed and able to go home, what is the timeline?

In this blog post, we will give you a detailed breakdown of what happens during a tummy tuck procedure and how long each step will take. Keep reading to learn more!

The Check-In Process

When you arrive for your tummy tuck procedure, you will first need to check in with the front desk. This process usually only takes a few minutes. Once you are checked in, you will be asked to wait in the waiting room until it is time to get prepped for your surgery.

The Pre-Op Stage

Once you have been checked in, a nurse will take you back to the pre-operative area, where you will be asked to change into a surgical gown. After changing into your gown, the surgeon will come in to meet with you and mark the areas of your abdomen that will be treated during surgery. This can take anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour, depending on how complex the procedure is and what things you need to discuss.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

Once the surgeon has finished marking the areas to be treated, you will be taken into the operating room where anesthesia will be administered. The type of anesthesia used for a tummy tuck procedure is typically general anesthesia, which means that you will be asleep for the duration of surgery.

Once you are asleep, the surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic area. Through this incision, the surgeon will access the underlying abdominal muscles and tissue.

The next step is to tighten these muscles and remove any excess skin and fat. Once the desired results have been achieved, the incisions will be closed with sutures. This usually takes around three hours.

Does some of this sound similar to lipo? Read: Are Tummy Tucks and Lipo the Same Thing?

After Surgery

After your tummy tuck procedure is complete, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be closely monitored as you wake up from anesthesia. Once you are awake and alert, you will be moved to your own room and remain in the hospital for at least one day.

So, how long a tummy tuck takes from start to finish is about one to two days, depending on how many days you remain in the hospital. However, the surgery for your tummy tuck in Tijuana should only take about three hours.