Constipation And Bowel Movements After Gastric Sleeve Surgeries

Gastric sleeve surgery is an excellent change to your health. However it does come with some side effects like constipation or a slow bowel movement after gastric sleeve. Surgeons will take around 80% of your stomach out during a gastric sleeve procedure.

This change to your anatomy means that you don’t feel as hungry and you actually feel full faster. However, there are some side effects that you may not desire as much like diarrhea, constipation and potentially nausea.

Constipation occurs typically within the first few weeks or months after your weight loss operation. You might find it difficult to eat fiber or drink as much as you’re used to. You may also be taking medications and changing your diet in a big way.

So in this article, let’s talk about why you might have gastric sleeve constipation post-op and what you can do about it.

How To Know If You’re Having Constipation From Gastric Sleeve

Your bowel habits should happen almost once per day. If it happens less than three times a week, then you might be constipated. There are some symptoms that can also alert you to constipation, like:

  • Cramps
  • Feeling like you need to go to the bathroom but can’t
  • Hard stool
  • Straining to go to the bathroom
  • Infrequent bowel movements

Is It Normal To Have Constipation After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Yes, it is absolutely normal to have it after your bariatric surgery. However, it should only last for around six months. If it lasts longer than that, you should consult with a doctor.

Reasons Why You Have Constipation After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Here are some of the reasons why constipation can occur after Gastric Sleeve in Mexico:


The way you digest food changes after you have gastric sleeve surgery. Since your stomach is now smaller, it may take longer for your body to digest it.

That means it moves through your microbiome at a slower pace. For this reason you should follow a strict post-op diet.

Eating Less Fiber

It becomes more difficult to eat fiber after gastric sleeve surgery. Since fiber is an important part of breaking down your stool, this can create constipation.


When you’re dehydrated, it’s harder for the stool to move through your bowel system.

This makes you feel full without actually being able to pass your food all the way through. That’s one of the reasons there’s a connection between gastric sleeve and constipation.

Changes In Diet

You’re going to be going through some dietary changes after your surgery. This is to help you recover best. However, it also will affect your bowel habits.

One of those side effects could be feeling constipated. Some medications slow down your metabolism. This is the case with things like opioid pain relievers.

Movement Practices

If you’re not exercising or moving very much, then it can slow down how quickly your body works. You should be slowing down a little bit after surgery, so it’s natural to have some mild constipation as you’re recovering.

How To Treat Constipation After Bariatric Surgery

When you speak with your surgeon, they can give you some advice on proper ways to deal with your constipation.

However, in general, there are a few different methods you might try, such as over-the-counter medications. Milk of magnesia, Dulcalax, Colace, and more can help you increase the speed of your stool.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is another way. And of course, you should eat fiber and exercise. Proper diet and nutrition go along with any kind of surgery recovery.

This is especially the case with bariatric surgery, since you need to accustom your body to the new changes.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve Surgery Today

Reach out to Hospital BC and connect with a qualified surgeon who can help you lose weight and enjoy regular bowel movements sooner rather than later.

That way you can start enjoying a new figure without as many of the complications or side effects.