Breast Augmentation Vs Breast Lift: What You Should Know

Breast lifts and breast augmentation can help you improve the aesthetics of your chest area. However, there are some important differences between these two procedures.

Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are two different concepts. Determining which might be best for you depends on your unique situation and goals. So in this article, let’s talk about the main difference between breast augmentation and breast lift surgery.

That way you can use the facts to determine the right option between breast lift vs implants for you.

Breast Lift vs Breast Implants: What They Are

Here are key distinctions to understand:

Breast Augmentation

It has the primary goal of increasing the volume of your bust. Typically, a breast augmentation involves the use of implants.

This helps improve the shape and size of your breast. Augmentation can be ideal for solving issues such as small breasts, poor breast volume, and asymmetrical tissue.

So when it comes to this question of boob lift vs implants, it’s really a matter of tightening the skin or enlarging bust volume.

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery is a way to restore sagging breasts and loose skin. Breast lift surgery can help you achieve a youthful look again.

Typically breast lift surgery is used to correct an issue called breast ptosis. This refers to the sagging of breast skin and tissue. As women age, breasts can respond to the force of gravity and may be considered less appealing.

Breast lifts are a way to improve the shape and size of your breast. This can be done by using implants. When undergoing breast lift surgery, you can enjoy a more sculpted, lifted breast mount.

This kind of surgery is a good idea if you experience unappealing nipple aesthetics, loose or excess breast skin, or sagging breasts.

And make sure to consult with experts who can perform a breast lift in Tijuana in a safe, inviting setting.

When considering breast implants vs breast lift operations, consider if volume or tightness are your priorities.

Read More: What to Expect After a Breast Lift

Combination of Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation

Both breast lifts and breast augmentations share a similar goal: improving the look of the breast area. However, these two procedures go about it in different ways.

For instance, a breast lift may actually reduce the size of the breast slightly. This is because the overall goal is to improve the placement and firmness of the breasts. In addition, lifestyle factors can affect the volume and breast appearance.

This includes nutrition and weight fluctuations, general aging, and even pregnancy or nursing.

Breast Lift vs Implant: What’s Best For You?

The expert cosmetic surgeons at Hospital BC can help you understand your options. Whether a lift or augmentation is the right choice, our surgeons have the answers.

Contact Hospital BC today and take the next step toward your beautiful body transformation. That way the question of “breast lift vs breast augmentation” is no longer holding you back from the new you.