Everything You Need to Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery and Its Recovery Process

A tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to improve your abdomen’s contour. It can remove excess skin, repair abdominal muscles and reduce fat deposits in the stomach. While undergoing this major surgery requires some preparation and a period of recovery, many people who have had tummy tuck surgery are very pleased with their results.

A professional in plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, will be best to seek advice from if you are considering the procedure.

We will explain how long it takes to get better after tummy tuck surgery, what you can count on throughout recovery, and how to maximize your results.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin around the abdomen. It can also help to restore weakened or separated muscles in the abdominal wall. The tummy tuck aims to create a smoother, firmer, and more aesthetically pleasing abdominal shape.

Recovery Process

Once the surgical procedure is complete, you may additionally sense some aches. It’s necessary to take it easy for the first few days of healing and have anybody assist you with day-by-day duties as needed. Pain medicines are generally prescribed after surgical procedures to assist in controlling any discomfort.

It’s better to avoid standing or sitting up too long, considering this can cause swelling or discomfort.

One Day After Surgery

After a tummy tuck procedure, people can count on spending one day in the clinic recovering. During this time, the operated person will be monitored intently and given medicinal drugs to manipulate pain or discomfort.

Patients should plan on taking it easy while in the hospital and not engaging in strenuous activities.

The day after the surgery, patients can start bathing in lukewarm water and showering with gentle soap, taking care to keep their incisions dry. The doctor will provide specific instructions on how to care for the incision sites properly at this point.

Depending on the type of tummy tuck performed, patients may need to wear a supportive garment that helps reduce swelling and encourages healing. The doctor will guide how long this should be worn, and following these instructions is essential.

One Week After the Tummy Tuck

One week after a tummy tuck, most post-surgery swelling should have gone down, and you can begin to return to light activities. You may still feel discomfort or tightness in your abdomen, but any pain should be manageable with over-the-counter medications. Typically, scarring is minimal at this point, and you can begin to wear loose clothing.

Your medical professional will provide you with precise directions involving your recovery. However, it is vital to understand that anyone is unique and might also heal at exclusive rates. It’s also essential to comply with your doctor’s recommendation and no longer over-exert yourself throughout recovery. It can take up to six weeks for the full recuperation procedure to be completed.

Six Weeks After Surgery

Most swelling and pain must have subsided six weeks after the surgery. This is a top-notch time to begin doing minimal-impact workouts as directed by using your plastic surgeon to assist with healing. You must additionally begin sporting compression clothes that will give the best resource in contouring your physique shape.

You may additionally have swelling, bruising, or even numbness in your stomach as your physique matures. Put on a supportive garment supplied with the aid of your healthcare professional and take it effortlessly while recovering. This will ensure that you get the satisfactory consequences possible.

It’s also essential to take care of your incision site. After a tummy tuck, you will likely have drains to prevent fluid build-up and encourage healing; follow your doctor’s instructions regarding how often to empty your drain and when it can be safely removed.

Call Hospital BCN for the best tummy tuck in Tijuana. We offer a different level of care that produces amazing results. Our team of highly qualified surgeons provides excellent care and has years of experience providing the best tummy tuck possible.