What Does A Mommy Makeover Consist Of?: Tummy, Breasts, And More

You may have heard of a mommy makeover in popular culture. But what does a mommy makeover consist of? And why are women increasingly choosing to get them? Let’s cover the various aspects of what a mommy makeover is. That way you can consider if it’s right for you.

What Does Mommy Makeover Include – Overview

A mommy makeover refers to a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures. Therefore, this type of makeover can help women who have recently gone through pregnancy or breastfeeding to enhance their physical appearance.

Before diving into the details of “what does a mommy makeover include” let’s look at the advantage of this outpatient procedure.

Read More: Are Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery the Same?

Benefits Of A Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover can restore your natural youth and beauty. What it consists of is slightly different for each woman. It typically addresses abdomen and breast aesthetics.

What’s Included In Mommy Makeover?

Whether you are going through pregnancy for the first time or you have had another child, your body goes through changes.

Typically breastfeeding and pregnancy causes your breasts to enlarge. Along with the enlargement, breasts can also experience looser skin and sagging.

In addition, your abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy. This allows you to safely carry your baby. However, this stretching naturally leads to skin and tightness issues.

Unfortunately mother nature has given women a bittersweet pill. You have the ability to bear a child, which is the most beautiful miracle in the world.

At the same time, your skin does not naturally go back to being tight and youthful like it was before your pregnancy.

So what’s included in a mommy makeover specifically? Mommy makeovers typically include:

  • Breast reduction
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Circumferential abdominoplasty
  • Breast lift
  • Breast augmentation.

Each of these procedures has their unique benefits. For instance, getting breast implants can help you regain fullness and volume that you may have lost.

And a breast lift can help improve the overall shape of your bust. On the other hand, if you are hoping to reduce the overall volume of your breasts, Hospital BC. can help you with that as well.

And mommy makeovers don’t stop at the above surgeries. There are other procedures you can look into as well, arm lifts, thigh lifts, or Brazilian butt lifts.

Who Should Get A Mommy Makeover?

Now that you know what is included in a mommy makeover, it’s important to ask who should get a mommy makeover? Mommy makeovers are perfect for women who have just gone through pregnancy.

You should wait around six months after you have delivered your child before doing a mommy makeover. This combination of procedures is the ideal choice for women who want to lose some extra fat and loose skin.

It’s also great for reducing stretch marks. And of course, if you want to fit into your favorite clothes again and feel confident during your next beach vacation, then a mommy makeover might be right for you.

Additional Considerations

Understand that the facts about “what is a mommy makeover” include what to expect:

It is an outpatient procedure. Therefore after a day or two, you’re free to go home. Recovery can last a few weeks. You want to take things slow as your body adjusts to the operation.

For the first few days and weeks, try to limit heavy activity and ask others for help around the house. You also may want to avoid operating heavy machinery or vehicles while you’re still taking the pain medications after surgery.

You should combine a mommy makeover with a healthy lifestyle as well. So be sure to eat well, get occasional exercise, and treat your body with respect after the operation. This will enhance the results you see.

Your Makeover in Tijuana

Hospital BC can help you achieve the look and youthfulness that you had before babies. Our expert plastic surgeons will consult with you to ensure you receive the utmost care, attention, and results you’re looking for. Get in touch today for your mommy makeover in Mexico.