Is It Safe to Exercise After Liposuction?

Cosmetic surgeries are on the rise as people become increasingly interested in improving their appearance. One such surgery is liposuction, which can help to sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat deposits.

Understandably, patients who have undergone liposuction may be eager to return to their routine, including exercise. However, taking things slowly and not overdoing them is essential, as this could lead to complications.

How Soon Can I Exercise After Liposuction?

While it is crucial to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle to achieve long-lasting results from liposuction, it is vital to give your body time to recover after the procedure.

Strenuous activities like running, jogging, weight-lifting, etc., can put unnecessary strain on your body and cause discomfort.

You may experience bleeding, bruising, infection, and swelling after liposuction.

It is best to wait for at least four-six weeks before resuming any rigorous and strenuous exercise. Toning exercises and light cardio can be started two weeks post-surgery.

It is essential to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard too soon. Some factors that affect the results and recovery from lipo are:

  • The type of procedure you undergo
  • The areas treated
  • Your age
  • Your skin tone
  • Your lifestyle
  • Your body type

Read more: Is there an age limit on liposuction?

What Kind of Exercises Can I Do to Maintain the Results?

After liposuction, you will want to maintain your results with a healthy lifestyle. It includes eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. But what kind of exercises can you do after abdominal liposuction?

1. After Two -Three Weeks: Light Cardio Exercises Such As Walking Or Swimming

You can start with light cardio exercises such as walking or swimming within the first week after your surgery. These activities will help increase your circulation and reduce swelling.

2. After Three-Four Weeks: Strength-Training Exercises

Gradually, you can start to add strength-training exercises to your routine. These exercises will help tone your muscles and give you a more sculpted look. These include squats, lunges, and crunches.

Start with two to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions and increase the weight as you get stronger.

3. After Six Weeks: More Challenging Cardio Exercises

After six weeks, the incisions and swelling should be healed, and you can start to add more challenging cardio exercises to your routine. These include running, biking, aerobics, and lifting weights.

You should always consult your surgeon before starting any exercise after liposuction. They will be able to give you specific instructions based on your case.

Hospital BC offers the best liposuction in Tijuana. Our surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in performing this procedure. You can trust us to give you the best possible results.