Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass: What’s the Difference

If you are considering weight loss surgery, you may be wondering which procedure is right for you – gastric sleeve surgery vs. gastric bypass surgery. Both procedures are effective at helping people lose weight, but there are some key differences between them. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of both procedures so that you can make an informed decision about which surgery is right for you.

The Gastric Sleeve Procedure: What is it?

The gastric sleeve in Mexico involves removing about 80% of the stomach. This leaves only a narrow tube-shaped section, which will be referred to as your “sleeve” from now on. Patients who have had this surgery report feeling full after eating just a few bites of food.

Because there are no foreign objects in your body and you still have some digestive function, there is less risk for complications than with other types of weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass surgery or LAP banding procedures.

A sleeve gastrectomy may also help reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes by limiting how much food can enter into their bloodstream at once. For these reasons, the gastric sleeve procedure is becoming increasingly popular.

The Gastric Bypass Procedure: What is it?

The gastric bypass in Mexico involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and then connecting this pouch to the small intestine. This reduces the amount of food that can be eaten at one time and also limits how much your stomach can hold. Like the sleeve gastrectomy, the gastric bypass surgery helps you feel full after eating just a few bites of food.

However, because the gastrointestinal tracts is significantly altered, there is a greater risk for complications such as infection, ulcers, and hernias. In addition, patients who have had this surgery must take nutritional supplements for life in order to avoid malnutrition.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass: Which Procedure is Right for Me?

Although both procedures are effective at helping you lose weight, there are several advantages and disadvantages of each procedure that should be considered before making a final decision. In addition to the differences between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, consider the following:

Gastric Sleeve Advantages

  • You will feel full after eating just a few bites of food. This means that you can still enjoy your favorite foods, but they will be consumed in small amounts.
  • Because this procedure is less invasive than other types of weight loss procedures, it also offers lower risks for complications such as infections or hernias.
  • There are no foreign objects left inside your body after surgery so there is less risk for rejection by your immune system.
  • It also offers faster recovery time compared to gastric bypass surgery because there are fewer incisions made during the operation (only one).

Gastric Bypass Advantages

  • The gastrointestinal tract is significantly altered, so patients who have had this surgery can expect to lose weight more quickly than those who have had a sleeve gastrectomy.
  • The long-term results of this surgery tend to be better than with gastric sleeve.
  • In addition, the surgery may help reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes.

Now that you know more about these procedures, contact Hospital BC to schedule your consultation.

For more information, read Your Guide to Preparing for Bariatric Surgery.