Why Am I Not Losing Weight After My Bypass?

Getting gastric bypass surgery is very common among Americans — especially these days with so many societal factors that make it hard to keep the weight off. After all, it can be an excellent way to lose weight quickly and keep it off long term.

Bariatric surgery can help you achieve your short term and long term health goals, no matter what they are. That being said, you may find that you’re having issues losing weight as quickly as you expected.

Keep in mind that everybody’s body is different. Still, you should consult with your weight loss surgeon first for gastric bypass or gastric sleeve in Mexico.

That being said, keep reading this post and we’ll explore some answers to common questions you might have, such as:

  • Why am I not losing weight after gastric bypass surgery?
  • Why am I experiencing slow weight loss after gastric bypass?
  • What should I do? — I’m not losing weight 2 weeks after gastric bypass, why?
  • No weight loss 3 weeks after gastric bypass – what’s going on?

What’s A Weight Loss Plateau?

A weight loss plateau is when your weight loss stops completely. This can typically occur somewhere around three weeks after your gastric bypass surgery.

However, it can happen at any point. Weight loss plateaus typically last for a few specific reasons:

Reasons Behind Weight Loss Plateaus

It’s Natural

Understand that slow weight loss is a normal occurrence. You should not always anticipate incredibly rapid weight loss with that being said.

Your stomach’s digestive tract and metabolism will change during your recovery period. As these adjust, your organs need to change the way they handle infections and your immune system. So that’s one of the first reasons why weight loss may not be as fast as you’re wanting.

Fewer Calories

If you’re going to take in fewer calories after your weight loss surgery, this is due to a smaller stomach size.

Obviously, because of this, you might think that you’ll lose weight. But your body also adapts to fewer calories. That means your metabolism will level out eventually.

Not Sticking To Your Diet

If you don’t stick to the recommended diet that your surgeon suggests, then you could experience weight gain or significantly slow weight loss.

You need to avoid certain foods that can add calories and excess carbohydrates to your diet. Additionally, you should be eating a certain amount of protein every day, such as 65 grams or more.

You can supplement the vitamins and nutrients to keep your metabolism running full speed.

Lack Of Activity

One helpful tip to make sure that you don’t have slow weight loss is to exercise. Getting plenty of cardio and other exercise boosts your metabolism — and makes you drop the pounds faster than you would if you were more sedentary.

Reach Out For Post Gastric Bypass Surgery Information Today

Don’t hesitate to start achieving the weight of your dreams. Contact the experts at Hospital BCN.

Our surgeons are highly trained in the science of weight loss surgery and helping you reach your goals. That way you can avoid feeling hungry all the time and finally feel great again. Let’s ensure that you can enjoy a healthier, lighter tomorrow.