Confident Mom Shows Post-Mommy Makeover Surgery Body

If you’re looking into plastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, then a mommy makeover surgery might be the right choice. From tuning up your stomach to your breasts, a mommy makeover can fix a lot of areas of your body.

The board certified surgeons at Hospital BC know how to help women feel great about the way they look again. That being said, every surgery has a recovery timeline and mommy makeovers are included.

So in this article, let’s talk about what the recovery time for a mommy makeover looks like. That way you can plan your procedure and your recovery with specific advice.

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is something that uses cosmetic surgery to give a woman the silhouette that she desires. It can involve liposuction, breast augmentation, facelifts, and even more.

Essentially, a mommy makeover in Mexico helps you treat some of the aesthetic issues that occurred during pregnancy or nursing.

What Is The Mommy Makeover Timeline?

When it comes to recovery time, mommy makeovers can vary. Every mommy makeover is going to be different depending on how many surgeries you undergo. This could affect the timeline. Additionally, your own body profile could affect your recovery period.

However, in general, doctors recommend a few weeks off after your surgery. Giving yourself anywhere from four to six weeks can help you recover fully before going back to work or heavy exercise. Let’s take a look at how the timeline can typically break down.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Week By Week

So how long is recovery from mommy makeovers? It lasts about 6 weeks. And here’s what to expect:

Week One

This will be the most intense part of your recovery. You want to get tons of rest and only participate in light activity. Essentially, you want to get some blood flowing, but you don’t want to do much more.

Week Two

You’ll notice that you feel a little bit better after the second week. You may still feel sore around the sites of your surgery, but you’ll also feel a little bit tired. You’ll still want to give your body plenty of rest. Take plenty of brief walks and get light exercise.

Week Four

Your swelling should have gone down immensely by this point. You should start feeling more energized.

Your scars will start to heal a little bit during this part of the mommy makeover healing time. Don’t hesitate to ask people for help during this period.

Week Six

Once you’re in week five or six, you should start to feel normal again. Most of your scars should be almost healed and you shouldn’t have that much swelling. In other words, you’re almost ready to get back to regular life.

Bottom Line, Listen To Your Body

The timeline for recovery from a mommy makeover can vary. Whether you had breast augmentation, liposuction, a tummy tuck, or a breast lift, resting is going to be very important.

Take it easy on yourself. Understand that you’re recovering from a life-altering surgery. Obviously, you’re going to look and feel better over time, but the healing process is part of the journey, so enjoy it.

How Long To Recover From Mommy Makeover — Conclusion

Reach out to the surgeons at Hospital BC today. Learn what it takes to get a mommy makeover and how to prepare yourself. That way, your recovery process will go as smoothly and quickly as possible. In no time, you’ll be able to have the body and confidence that you crave.