How To Prevent Saggy Skin After Weight Loss Surgery

There are a few things that make you more self-conscious about your body than having loose skin. After all, loose skin is something that many Americans suffer from. Whether you’ve recently had a kid, age has taken its toll, or you’ve had any kind of injury or trauma, loose skin can start to appear all over your body.

But that being said, you don’t have to suffer from loose skin if you don’t want to. Modern medicine has provided incredible and minimally invasive procedures that you can choose from.

So in this blog post, let’s discuss how to prevent loose skin after weight loss surgery. That way you can both drop the pounds and maintain a tighter, more youthful appearance on your skin.

Additional Reading: Why You’re Hungry After Weight Loss Surgery

How To Avoid Excess Skin After Weight Loss Surgery

Here are some pro tips for how to avoid loose skin after weight loss surgery:

Take Multivitamins

Your weight loss surgeon will probably prescribe you some kind of vitamin such as multivitamins. Additionally, there are particular vitamins that help promote skin elasticity. This will help your skin avoid sagging now and going forward.

Stay Hydrated

It’s a fact that hydration plays a big role in the quality of your skin. Sagging skin can occur when you don’t drink enough water.

By drinking enough fluids throughout the day, you promote higher skin elasticity which will make it look tighter and less saggy.

Medical treatments and spa treatments, treating yourself to a day at the spa is one great way to prevent saggy skin. It can help you refresh your mind as well so you’re killing two birds with one stone.

Alternate Strength Training And Cardio Training

A healthier body ultimately means healthier skin. That means you’ll have more elasticity in the skin and it won’t sag as much. So try to mix up cardio such as running, walking, or bicycling. Occasionally do some light weight lifting. Even a 5 or 10 pound dumbbell can be enough depending on your routine.

Eat Plenty Of Protein

Your meal should be based on protein, vegetables, and fruits. Try to limit carbohydrates and sugars. These will contribute to saggier skin whereas the former will contribute to healthier, tighter skin.

Learn More About Weight Loss Surgery Today

When it comes to how to avoid saggy skin after weight loss surgery, there are several methods that you can employ. But speaking with a qualified weight loss surgeon at Hospital BCN is a great first step.

So don’t waste any time. Reach out today, schedule an appointment, and turn the next page in your healthier, skinnier life with bariatric surgery in Mexico.