Breastfeeding After a Breast Lift: Is It Possible?

Many women lift their breasts after they are done having children. But what if you don’t want to live with the sag until your baby years are behind you? There is nothing wrong with getting a breast lift before having kids or in between pregnancies. However, a breast lift could impact your plans to breastfeed.

What Happens During a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that raises and firms the breasts. It removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to give the breasts a more youthful appearance.

The most common type of breast lift is called a vertical lift. During a vertical lift, the surgeon makes an incision around the areola and down the middle of the breast. The scar will be less visible than if you had a horizontal incision across the entire breast.

The surgeon then removes excess skin and reshapes the breast tissue. He or she may also move the nipple and areola to a higher position.

What to Expect After Surgery

Most women feel tired and sore after surgery. You will likely need help for the first few days. You may also have some swelling and bruising. The scars will be pink at first, but they will eventually fade.

You should be able to go back to work within two weeks. However, you will need to avoid strenuous activity for six weeks.

Can I Breastfeed After a Breast Lift?

It is possible to breastfeed after a breast lift, but it may not be as comfortable. You may have trouble breastfeeding if the surgeon moves your nipple and areola too high. Additionally, moving the nipple could impact the ability of the milk you produce to reach your baby. There is always the risk of scar tissue creating a blockage.

If you plan to breastfeed after a breast lift, talk to your doctor about the best way to do it. He or she may suggest waiting until your baby is six months old so that you have more time to heal.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

A breast lift can give you a more youthful appearance and improve your self-confidence. However, there is always the risk of complications. You should talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of a breast lift before making a decision.

If you are considering a breast lift, talk to the Hospital BC team. We can walk you through your options regarding a breast lift in Tijuana and offer affordable surgery that doesn’t sacrifice quality. Talk to our plastic surgeons in Tijuana today.